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Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas

Print version ISSN 0253-2948


ARAUZ, Ana Gladys et al. Modificación de prácticas alimentarias en diabéticos no insulino dependientes: efectos de una intervención educativa multidisciplinaria. Rev. costarric. cienc. méd [online]. 1997, vol.18, n.1, pp.15-29. ISSN 0253-2948.

This article reports the findings of a nontraditional educational intervention program on the modification of dietary practices in Diabetes Mellitus Type II patients in an urban community in Costa Rica. The educational program consisted of 18 sessios, each one of a duration of two hours, using participate methods as demostrations, visits, sociodramas, mimic, discussion of groups and role playing. The topics were developed by a multidisciplinary team and included general aspects of the illness as well as self control and daily dietary practices. All the sessions were conducted in groups. A written diet was not distributed to particpants, so that modifications would be implimented throuhout the duration of the intervention. The study population consisted of 36 adults, diabetics type II, without chronics complications of the illness. They were divided into two groups: in the experimental group 19 diabetics received the educational intervention and in the control group, 17 which did not receive the intervention. Diet was evaluate in both groups at the beginning and the end of the educational program usign the food record and frequency of intake of foods. The following are the primary findings: The diet was adequate in respect to energy intake in both grups. At hte end of eighth month, diet in the experimental group had significantly decreased in the amount of total and saturated fats, energy and cholesterol. We observed, moreover, the change in the type of fats used for cooking. The experimental group, had un decreased of 10% of the daily intake of palm oil and increased the use of unsaturales oil by13%, which was contrary to the control group. In the same group simple sugar decreased 30% to 10%, while in the control group this increased 5% at the end of the educational process. Eating schedules, the duration between meals and the variability of foods, were reorganized. The recipes were modified by the participants, we observed change in the foods using. Because of this, the experimental group lost more weight than the control group, glicemic levels were normalized and glycoside Hemoglobin reached at desirable values. The lipis (choleterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL) were within and acceptable range.

Keywords : Intervención Nutricional; Diabetes Mellitus; Educación Nutricional.

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