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Acta Médica Costarricense

On-line version ISSN 0001-6002Print version ISSN 0001-6012


AVILA-AGUERO, María L.. Ebola: A global threat. Acta méd. costarric [online]. 2014, vol.56, n.4, pp.188-193. ISSN 0001-6002.

In March 2014, the World Health Organization was notified of an outbreak of a communicable disease characterized by fever, severe diarrhea, vomiting, and a high fatality rate in Guinea. Virologic investigation identified Zaire ébola virus (EBOV) as the causative agent. Ébola viruses are the causative agents of a severe form of viral hemorrhagic fever in man, designated Ébola hemorrhagic fever, and are endemic in regions of central Africa. Case-fatality rates of the African species in man are as high as 90%, with no prophylaxis or treatment available. Ebola virus infections are characterized by immune suppression and a systemic inflammatory response that causes impairment of the vascular, coagulation, and immune systems, leading to multiorgan failure and shock, and thus, in someways, resembling septic shock. Given this global emergency all countries must be prepared to handle potential cases and the impact to be controlled.

Keywords : Ebola; Africa; Health Epidemic.

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