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Revista Electrónica Educare
On-line version ISSN 1409-4258Print version ISSN 1409-4258
CHEN-QUESADA, Evelyn; CERDAS-MONTANO, Virginia and ROSABAL-VITORIA, Satya. Pedagogical Management Models: Factors of Participation, Change, and Innovation in Costa Rican Educational Centers. Educare [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.2, pp.317-345. ISSN 1409-4258.
This study describes the results of a study derived from the extension project Models of Pedagogical Management (MGP in Spanish), conducted in public schools of the provinces of Heredia, Alajuela and San José, under the responsibility of the Division of Education for Work (DET), from the Center for Research in Teaching and Education (CIDE) of the National University (UNA). The aim is to analyze the influence of the development of pedagogical management models in the participating schools between 2005 and 2013, in the Costa Rican educational field. It also aims to establish the relationship between the variables “participation and change” and the category “innovation” and its effect on the teaching and administrative group. This study applies a mixed methodology (Creswell, 2009) since it implements a quantitative and qualitative approach. From the qualitative approach, phenomenology is considered by reflecting on the meaning and sense that the group of participants brings to the MGP process concerning methodological innovations in the classroom, collective spaces, and administrative organization. While the quantitative approach is carried out with an ex post facto and cross-sectional design because it responds to the perception of the participating group, it explores elements and factors that influence participation and the attitude towards the change in the development of the MGP. The study group comprises 72 project participants, 78.6% are teachers, and 21.4% are directors. Among the significant results are that participation and change are necessary to move towards pedagogical models more in line with the institutional reality. MGP contributes to methodological innovation and is the product of participatory and collaborative work, designed from the needs and interests of educational contexts. The main implication of the research is to offer academics and researchers a reference based on evidence that can be consulted in future studies on the quality of pedagogical management in Costa Rican educational centers.
Keywords : Management models; attitude towards change; pedagogical leadership; pedagogical innovations; participation.