1659-3359 |
Tec Empresarial (ISSN 1659-3359) Is a quarterly publication of the School of Business Administration of the Technological of Costa Rica (TEC). It is aimed at people interested in the subject of administration, esptecally academics, researchers, professionals and students, as well as entrepreneurs and business managers. The aim of the journal is to disseminate research results that help create new knowledge and improve the performance of organizations. Its abbreviated title is Tec Empresarial, and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips. |
The articles published in Tec Empresarial are indexed or summarized by:
Escuela de Administración de Empresas. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica |
The publication of this journal is financially supported by:
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Apartado 159-7050 Cartago, Costa Rica.
Campus Central del Tecnológico de Costa Rica, avenida 14, calle 15. Distrito oriental. Cantón central. Cartago, Costa Rica.