Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas
ISSN 0253-2948
print version
Instructions to the authors

How to present manuscripts

The Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas (RCCM) is a scientific and Clinical magazine.

In addition to their central paper in the continuous education of the professionals in medical sciences of the sector health, the RCCM makes efforts for the securing of the quality in the preparation of the manuscripts for publication through the guide of Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad (ISO 9000:2000). 

This document tries to be a guide of information them authors and to explain the lineamientos that are due to follow for the presentation of manuscripts in the RCCM.

  • Content.

The content is limited articles that bear relation to medical sciences in the national scope and which they reflect the main areas of activity of the professions above indicated.

It is ordered in the following sections:

Editorial:  Its intention is to present aspects political the Magazine, as well as strategies that orient to their continuous and sustainable improvement.  It includes, in addition, commentaries on subjects of the present time in the diverse fields of the knowledge that plot a general course of the health, the science and the social security of the country.  Its publication is permanent.

Original Articles:  They are information that describe original results of experimental investigation, clinical or epidemiologist, in the areas of medical sciences.  It is the most important section of the Magazine and its publication is permanent.

Bibliographical Revisions:  They are published primary article revisions on subjects of biomedical interest, written by experts in the field, which will be reflected by the reference of own appointments of the author.  Works of revision will be only accepted previously asked for by the Publishing Committee.  If an author wishes it, can consult the possible relevance of a subject for revision before putting under it the Magazine.  Its publication is permanent.

Clinical Cases:  They are short information on one or several clinical cases that by his relevance, they deserve a publication.  Its fundamental content is to contribute new concepts or to introduce modifications to principles already established, in the possibility of offering a new perspective to important clinical problems.  Its publication is permanent.

Brief Communication:  They are short information of evolution of new, statistical techniques of some condition epidemiologist, advances of a project with novel data and great relevance.  Its publication is occasional.

Controversy in Health:  They are those manuscripts that, in opinion of the Publishing Committee, contribute to the development, the debate and the reflection on subjects of the present time in medical sciences.  Its publication is occasional.

To evaluate You:  It consists of a series of questions and the respective answers in another page, on a specific subject for autoevaluación of the readers.  Its publication is occasional.

Bibliographical review:  They are book summaries of biomedical published article interest that, by their relevance in a certain field, ameriten their spreading.  Its publication is occasional.

Letters to the Publisher:  It is a space of free expression of the readers in reference to published articles.  It allows in addition to give the pertinent answers.  Observations or experiences are also included that, by their extension and characteristic, can be summarized in a brief text.  The letters are directed to the Publishing Committee and are put under arbitration process and will have to be received in a period of six weeks later to the publication of the article and must be signed by the person in charge.  They must indicate in addition, with detail, the profession and direction of the sender.  Its publication is occasional.

Information:  It provides a space for information on projects and interventions in health, as well as, on meetings, congresses, symposiums, forums and conferences of this competition.  Its publication is occasional.

  •  Presentation of Manuscripts

The RCCM will receive the manuscripts in the understood one that they are original and unpublished and that are not put under consideration, simultaneously in another publication source or, that will not be it without express authorization of the RCCM.

The author will yield his rights to Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social by means of signed declaration, for which this legal all rights reserved all of reproduction of the content, as long as the manuscript is accepted for its publication.  The authors have the responsibility to obtain the permissions necessary to reproduce any material protected by reproduction rights.  The original manuscript will be filed with the original letter that authorizes that leave with exactitude of details.

The selection of the manuscript proposed for its publication is based on the following criteria:

--Suitability of the subject for the Magazine and its degree of priority for the Publishing Committee and Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social.

-- Scientific solidity, originality, the present time and opportunity of the information.

-- Applicability in all the institutional or national scope.

-- Obligatory nature of the norms of medical ethics on the experimentation with human beings and animals (Declaration of Helsinki, Code of  Nuremberg).

-- In case of an original investigation, the manuscript must have format IMRYD (introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion).  The faults in this aspect invalidan all the information and are cause by ricochet.

-- In the Bibliographical Revisions the format will have to include the intention of the revision, the sources of the data, the results, the conclusions.  The bibliography must be as extensive as the subject amerite, usually nonsmaller of 50 appointments.

-- The Clinical Cases must not have a greater extension of eight pages and must include introduction, presentation of the case and discussion.

-- In the Brief Communications the text in chapters is not due to divide.

-- In Letters to the Publisher the Maxima extension will be of two folios and a figure or picture will be admitted single and not more than five bibliographical appointments.  It does not have to exceed 300 words.

-- The Brief Communications will have a maximum limit of two pictures or figures. 

-- The manuscripts of Controversies in Health will have character of small article.

-- The opinions of the authors are responsibility of they themselves and they necessarily do not reflect the criteria nor the policy of Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social of the Magazine nor of its Publishing Committee.

-- The text of the Editorial cannot exceed the 1,200 words.

-- The manuscript will have to be written in Spanish language.

Specifications and shipment of the manuscript:

The RCCM follows the guidelines drawn up by the document “Requisitos uniformes para preparar los manuscritos enviados a revistas biomédicas”, elaborado por el Comité Internacional de Directores de Revistas Médicas (5ª ed., 1997). 

He is indispensable to present original and three copies of each manuscript, accompanied by a diskette with the plaintext.

The complete manuscript will not exceed 15 leaves so large paper letter (8.5 x 11"), written to open line (double-spaced).  The margins straight and left will measure at least 3 cm and the margins superior and inferior, a minimum of 2.5 cm.  The pages will be numbered successively and the original one will come accompanied from three photocopies of quality.  The program Microsoft Word must be used to elaborate the text, and the printed copies must be accompanied by a 3,5" diskette.

Each part of the manuscript must begin aside in page.

In the text one will indicate the location of the pictures and the figures that are included in the end, which must come each one in leaf aside.

The structure of the manuscript will follow in detailed order in the section "the parts of the Scientific Article".

The manuscripts are due to send to the following direction:

Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. CENDEISSS. Apto. 10105-1000 San José, Costa Rica.

The RCCM will confirm receipt of the manuscript by means of letter to the author to the direction that it details in the manuscript.

Manuscripts are not accepted that do not fulfill the specifications detailed here. 

The accepted manuscripts will be put under a publishing process that can include, in necessary case, its condensation and the suppression or annexed addition of pictures, illustrations and.  The published version will be sent to the author for its approval.

Procedure for the selection of manuscripts

The manuscripts received by the Magazine pass through a process of analysis and selection by means of the system of arbitration by experts in the different disciplines from medical sciences, that includes/understands four revisions.

First Revision:  The Publishing Committee determines if the manuscript fulfills the described lineamientos previously.

Second Revision:  In this process the scientific value of the manuscript and the utility of their publication are examined, under the responsibility of expert professionals in the subject of the specific discipline (Reviewers).  The manuscripts are evaluated with confidentiality and the work of the reviewers is anonymous and independent.

Third Revision:  In this process the opinion of the referees is taken into account (external reviewers), the scientific value and the utility of the article.  With base in these parameters, the Publishing Committee makes a decision that can be:  a) to accept it completely so and as this ';  b) to accept it with condition of which the author incorporates to the text the commentaries and recommendations of the experts;  or c) to reject it.

Fourth Revision:  It is made to verify that the commentaries and the recommendations of the experts have been fulfilled (condition b).  Of being thus, they are accepted completely.  The made changes will be identified with a sobremarker of color.  If the authors are not in agreement with some of the recommendations, must explain to the Publishing Committee in detail the reasons.  This he will decide the course of the manuscript.

All decision will communicate in writing to the author with the greater possible rapidity.  The term depends on the complexity of the subject and the availability of expert reviewers.  In case of being accepted for the publication, the volume will be indicated, number and year in which will appear the article.

Publication of the article

The manuscripts will be accepted with the right of which the Publishing Committee reserve to become revisions according to its criterion for a greater uniformity, clarity and conformity of the text with the style of the RCCM.

The tests of the press or first tests will not be sent (galeras) to the authors, with the intention of being able to fulfill the programming of the corresponding number of the Magazine.  The corrections to the "first tests" and the "tests of page" (second tests) will be responsibility of the Publishing Committee.

Once published the article, the main author will receive 10 "separatas" and a unit of the Magazine.  Each one of the coauthors will receive a unit of the Magazine.

  • The Parts of the Scientific Article


It must go with capital black letters and trim.

It must describe the content of the article (nature of the study, subject or experimental object and technical approach) in specific, clear, exact, brief, honest and concise form, of such form that the reader identifies the subject easily.  It does not have to exceed the 10 words and, in extreme case, it does not have to happen of 15.

Some of the most frequent errors at the time of writing a title are:  the use of vague or ambiguous words, abbreviations, slang, incorrect syntax;  of incompletos or too extensive titles, and of little honest titles according to the contents of the article.


Linfoma T angiocentrico : Reporte de un caso con presentación en la glándula salival

Perfil antropometrico de pacientes adultos del Hospital Dr. Roberto Chacon Paut

Author  (s)

They are placed immediately underneath the title, ordered according to its scientific contribution.  Academic degrees nor hierarchic positions are not included.  Name must be put and a last name.  If it is wanted last names both they must go united by a script.  After the full name of each author an Arabic number like superscript will be placed, to indicate the direction and the author will indicate itself with an asterisk (*) to who the correspondence is due to direct.  The direction will have to go in separated note to the footer.


Victoria Maroto 1*, Gustavo Villafranca 2.
Victoria Maroto-Aguilar 1*, Gustavo Villafranca-Cruz 2.

1: Servicio de Anatomía Patológica, Hospital del Valle, San Gerónimo, Costa Rica.
2: Servicio de Hematología, Hospital del Valle, San Gerónimo, Costa Rica.


It must begin with the title of the article (for effect to identify it in publications of summaries)

In original articles, the extension of the summary does not have to surpass the 300 words, nor to be inferior to 150.  The content of the summary must be structured in four sections:  introduction, material and methods, results and discussion.  In each one of them the reason for the investigation has to expose itself, the most outstanding way to carry out it, results and the conclusions that are derived from these.  Subtitles in the structured summary will not be included.  Emphasis in new and excellent aspects must become.  One is due to avoid the most possible abbreviations.

In the clinical cases and the brief communications, the summary will be of a single paragraph with a maximum of 150 words.

It must become a summary in English, faithful translation of the Spanish.  The indications are the same ones and headed by the title of the work in English.

In the summaries bibliographical references will not be included.

Key words

It will have to be included of 3 to 10 key words, terms used in the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH, List of headings of medical matters) and they will be located after the summary.  These must facilitate the work of the crossed classification of the article.  In case of terms of recent appearance that not yet appear in the MeSH, the present ones will be used.

It will be published, next to the summary, at the end of the text.  The summary is in Spanish, the key words will be in Spanish.  In the Abstract the key words (Key words) will be in English.


Key words: Linfoma T periférico angiocéntrico, glándula salival.
Key words: Angiocentric peripheral T cell lymphoma, salivary gland.


It is the first section of an article with structure IMRYD.  It explains and it defines the problem of the investigation and it express the intention of the article.  It presents/displays the antecedents, without making a revision extensive of the subject.  All the affirmations go sustained by bibliographical appointments.  Results nor conclusions are not included.

It is mentioned the contributions of the authors and, in that context, the importance of the investigation is determined.  The investigation question considers, whose answer will be the conclusion of the study.

In this part, the usual terms, the variables, the importance and the limitations of the study, as well as the frame of conceptual reference are defined little.

Materials and Methods

It is the second section of an article of structure IMRYD.

It unequivocally describes clearly and the design of the investigation, including the premises and the limitations.  It justifies the selection of subjects and methods, equipment and procedures, so that the experience can be reproduced.  The established methods and known well are indicated by means of bibliographical appointment;  the new ones or substantially modified are due to describe in detail.  It includes reasonings and limitations.  One details to the use of chemical agents (generic names) and data of dose and routes of administration for medicines, and indicates the statistical methods used to validate the evidence.

It must define the universe clearly and it details how the sample was selected and if this one is representative.  It includes the details to avoid the slant, to compare with groups control and to compensate the losses of observation subjects.

When it is experienced in human beings, it is not identified to the subjects with names, hospitable initials or keys;  characteristics in photos and figures are eliminated.  It must indicate if the followed procedures adjust to the national and international ethical norms, as well as the use of written consent and the approval by the corresponding committee of scientific ethics.


It corresponds to the third section of an article of structure IMRYD.  It is the logical presentation of the findings (new information), that they summarize the true contribution of the author, with a detail so that it justifies the conclusions.  In order to present/display the results the text is used, the pictures and the figures or illustrations, for which the sure adapted and economic one is due to consider average.  One is due to take in consideration that the text does not have to repeat all the data of pictures or figures, but that only summarizes most important.  In any case, the text is the most efficient form to present findings.

One is due to guarantee to mention all the pictures and figures and to use the time last for the writing.  One is not due to repeat the content in materials and methods, nor duplicates what exposes in the pictures nor comments the results.  The units of measurement must be clear according to the international system of units and the totally explanatory abbreviations.


It is the final section of an article of structure IMRYD.  It examines and it interprets the results, its meaning and limitations.  It emphasizes the new and important aspects of the study, and the conclusions that are derived from them.  It determines coherence or contradictions of the data found within the context of the present scientific knowledge.  One does not argue either in trivial form.

That emphasizes the consequences of the results, and it sets out new investigations or hypothesis when it is justified, but does not indicate to conclusions nor general affirmations that totally they are not endorsed by the results.

When he is appropriate, it can include recommendations.  It is finished with one or several conclusions, that they respond to the raised questions of investigation in the introduction.


It is placed exactly underneath the main text after the Discussion and before the References.

This section is published when it is considered necessary to mention people, centers or organizations that have collaborated or supported the accomplishment of the work.  The authors are the people in charge of the obtaining of the necessary permission of the people or organizations mentioned in this section, since the readers can infer that these endorse the data and the conclusions of the work.

In gratefulness contributions are considered that do not justify the accreditation like author.  Between the contributions that are justified in this section they are:  general support lent by a department, material and financial support, relations that can raise a conflict of interests.  Gratefulness does not have to be insufficient or too efusive.

The technical assistance must be thanked for in a paragraph aside from the used ones for gratefulness.


They will be numbered consecutively following Citation-order-system (Sistema de Orden de Mención) in one it lists titled "REFERENCES".  They will be identified in the text by means of Arabic numbers between parenthesis, of the same size that the text (the subscripts, superscripts, or footnotes of page will not be accepted). 


 “No obstante esto, experimentalmente se prueban varias opciones que incluyen desde virus inactivados (1) hasta la construcción de virus quiméricos. Varios autores (2-5) han señalado que....”.

The references will be included aside in leaf headed by the title "REFERENCES".

The names of the magazines will have to be brief in agreement with the style used in the Index Medicus, for which the "List is due to consult of Journals Indexed" that is included every year in the number of January of the Index Medicus (Relation of magazines indezadas in the Index Medicus).  It publishes the NLM (National Library of Medicine).  It can be consulted through Internet, in the direction Web of the NLM:

The bibliographical references must be verified by comparison with original documents, always indicating the initial and final page of the appointment.  They must be numbered progressively and be enlisted in the mentioned order in the text.  They must include the name of the author (it is), complete title of the work, names brief of the magazine, year, volume, first and last page.

For books, it must include the name of the author (s), title, name of the publisher if it exists, name of the publishing company, edition site, year, volume, chapter and number of the page when it is necessary.

Phrases imprecisas or published observations and the personal communications cannot be mentioned like references.  These will be mentioned between parenthesis within the text. 

For original articles a minimum of 20 appointments is recommended and for revision articles a greater number of 50 appointments is recommended.  For brief communications a maximum of 15 appointments is recommended.  In the fourth section of this instructive one the style of the references is detailed.


It will have a brief and clear title so that it indicates without difficulty what is what is going away to process;  it will include, in addition, place, date and source of the information.  It must be shortest and simple possible and it will be written in capital letters with black and trim.

Vertical lines will not be used and there will only be three horizontal lines, one after the title, another one after headed of column and the last one at the end of the picture, before footnotes, if there are them.

The footnotes of the picture become by means of letters placed like exponents in alphabetical order.  It does not have to use numbers, asterisks nor no other symbol.

All picture must be explained by itself, with no need of text or annexed figures.  It must be simple and clear.  It must have the following parts:  

a)  Title (must express in precise and concise form the content of the picture or in a line or several.  Part will have to place in superior of picture), 
b) Number of picture (it uses when in a same study several pictures appear), 
c) Headed (are small titles that indicate the nature of the numbers), 
d) Column first (first column of left that contains the categorización of the basic characteristics), 
e) Body of picture (place where the corresponding numeric data is written down), 
f) total Numbers (the first row and first column are placed in, after the first column), 
g) Footnotes (is added underneath the body when observation is necessary some  on some column or row of the same one.  When the observations are in the numbers of the body, letters are used superscripts, and if they are in the first column or the headed ones of column, they take control of numbers), 
h) Source (whenever data gathered or processed by others are used).

They appear in separated leaves and separate, at the end of the article, by appearance order in the text.

The abbreviations and abbreviations will have to be internationally accepted;  otherwise, they will always accompany by an explanatory note the foot.

Those pictures that occupy more than a printed complete page, nor those will not be accepted that contain too much statistical information and that they become incomprehensible or confused.

The base of the relative measures must be indicated (percentage, rates, indices) if they are used.  Single the squares corresponding to data must be left in target that are not applicable.  If it lacks information because observations did not become, three will have to be inserted three dots (...). Must omit repetitive information.

For the reproduction of pictures of other articles, letter of corresponding permission is due to enclose.


Figures to the manual graphs, diagrams, maps, photographies, drawings and photographic impressions are denominated.

All must be perfectly identified with a starchy label and a clear and brief title.

The illustrations will have to be protected so that they are not damaged during the shipment and they will have to indicate the direction (superior-inferior) of the same one with an arrow in the superior part.  The format will always have to be of 9 xs 12 cm.  For this aim the figures stick in a heavy cardboard type presentation and they are placed within a stock market of plastic transparency.

The titles must be concise and explanatory.  The drawings generated by computer are not accepted.

The maps and drawings will take to a scale in the System the International of Units.

The photographies must be of good quality, good resolution and excellent resistance, and must include antecedents, scale and source of origin and the date.  They must be in black and white, shining paper.

The graphs will be only made in two dimensions and black and white. 

The text corresponding to the figure, will be typed in a separate place with the corresponding numbers.  It is important not to type the text in the graphs.

The figures will have to be of importance for the article, and they will be identified with Arabic numbers according to the appearance order in the text.

They will be accepted until a maximum of three, according to appearance order in the text.

  • Instructions to elaborate the references

 Articles of scientific magazines.

a.  Last name and initials of all the authors, if they are six or less;  if they are seven more or, the first three together ones with "et are written down to".  The names of the authors separate with one comma.  At the end of the list of authors point is put.  

b.  Complete title of the article and subtitle if this it has it, using capital only for the first letter of the initial word.  

c.  Title of the brief magazine.  Nótese that does not take score nor emphasizes but it goes in itálica letter.  

d.  Year of publication, followed of semicolon.  Volume only the number, in Arabic.  The number of the magazine does not have to be included.  Two points.  

e: Initial and final page of the article.


Kerschner H, Pegues JAM. Productive aging: a quality of life agenda. J Am Diet Assoc 1998;98:1445-1448. 

Bin D. Zhilhui C, Quichang L, Ting W, Chengyin G, Xingzi W, et al. Duración de la inmunidad lograda con la vacuna antisarampionosa con virus vivos: 15 años de observación en la provincia de Zhejiang, China. Bol Oficina Sanit Panam 1992;112:381-394.

Roselló M, Vargas M, Jiménez J. Evaluacion de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en una población costarricense adulta. Rev Costarric Cienc Med 1996; 17:23-32.

In case the author is a Committee or group of investigation and if she consists of several elements, minor is due to mention of greater:

Pan American Health Organization, Expanded Program on Immunization. Strategies for the certification of the eradication of wild poliovirus transmission in the Americas. Bull Pan Am Health Organ 1993;27:287-295. 

Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Groupe de Travail. Déficit en glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase. Bull World Health Organ 1990;68:13-24.

The Royal  Marsden Hospital Bone-Narrow Transplantation Team. Failure of syngenic bone-marrow graft without preconditioning in posthepatitis marrow aplasia. Lancet 1977; 2:242-244.

If the article to mention does not have defined author or is anonymous, it is possible to be mentioned of the following form:

Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Vers l'utilisation de nouveaux vaccins antipoliomyélitiques: memorándum d'une réunion de l'OMS. Bull World Health Organ 1990;68:717-720.

Anónimo. Coffee drinking and Cancer of the pancreas. Brit Med J 1981; 283:628. 

The special types of articles and other communications are due to indicate in brackets.

García Hernández N. ¿Es el marcapaso VVI aún vigente? [editorial]. Arch Inst Cardiol Mex 1998;68:203-205. 

The supplements of a volume or a magazine indicate between parenthesis with the abbreviation "Supl" and the number of this one to facilitate to the reader the location to him.  The case that can occur the supplement does not have number.  Similarly it can be applied for articles with "part I" or "part II".

Guerrero LB de. Vacunas experimentales contra la fiebre hemorrágica argentina. Medicina (Buenos Aires) 1977; 37(Supl 3):252-259. 

Barreiro C. Situación de los servicios de genética médica en Argentina. Brazil J Genet 1997;20(supl):5-10.

Soper D. Clostridial Myonecrosis arising form an episiotomy. Obstet Gynecol 1987; 68 (Supl 13):265-285.

In the case in that it is due to mention works presented/displayed in conferences, congresses, symposiums or others, single are due to point out in the references if the corresponding acts have been published.

Harley NH. Comparing radon daughter dosimetric and risk models. En: Gammage RB, Kaye SV, eds. Indoor air and human health: proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium; 1984 Oct 29-31; Knoxville, Tennessee. Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis; 1985. pp. 69-78. 

World Health Organization. Primary health care: report of the International Conference on Primary Health Care; 1978 Sept; Alma-Ata, Kazakstán, Old U.S.S.R. Geneva: WHO; 1979.

Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Informes finales: 104a y 105a Reuniones del Comité Ejecutivo de la OPS; XXIII Conferencia Sanitaria Panamericana; XLII Reunión, Comité Regional de la OMS para las Américas. Washington, DC: OPS; 1990. (Documento oficial 238). 

Books and other monographs.

a. Initial last name (s) of the author or the authors, publishers, compilers or the name of a collective organization.  Point.

b. Title of the book, in negrita, using capital only the first letter of the initial word.  Comma.

c. Number of edition, if this one is not first.  When it is the first edition this one is not indicated.  Comma.

d. City of publication.  Two points.

e. Name of the publishing house.  Comma.

f. Year of publication.  Two points.

g. Consulted pages.

 Loría Cortés R. Normas Pediátricas, 5 ed., San José Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica, 1986: 1-4

Polit Denise & Hungler Bernadette. Investigación Científica en Ciencias de la Salud, 3 ed., México DF. Nueva Editorial Interamericana S.A, 1991: 117-138

España. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Dirección General de Planificación Sanitaria. Alcohol y juventud. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo; 1991. 

In the case in that the chapter of a book is due to mention, the title of the chapter will be put and it will be indicated that this one belongs to the book, indicating it with the followed word "En" of two points.  It must be indicated, in addition, the pages that contemplate the mentioned chapter.

Soler C, Tanislawski EC. Pruebas de laboratorio para detectar infección por VIH. En: Sepúlveda Amor J, Bronfman MN, Ruiz Palacios GM, Stanislawski EC, Valdespino JL, eds. SIDA, ciencia y sociedad en México. México, DF: Fondo de Cultura Económica; 1989. pp. 103-117. 

The volumes and the number of volumes are indicated before the title of the book:

Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Vol II: Las condiciones de salud en las Américas. Edición de 1990. Washington, DC: OPS; 1990. (Publicación científica 524). 

Kessler RM, Freeman MP. Ischemic cerebrovascular disease. En: Partain CL, Price RR, Patton JA, et al., eds. Magnetic resonance imaging. 2a ed. Vol. 1: Clinical principles. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1988. pp. 197-210. 

Cowie AP, Mackin R. Volume 1: Verbs with prepositions and particles. En: Oxford dictionary of current idiomatic English. London: Oxford University Press; 1975. 

Unpublished documents, summaries (abstracts), thesis and others.

Appropriate references are considered:

Articles already accepted but pending of publication, for which it must be indicated at the end of the appointment "En prensa".

Documents that (even being unpublished) can be easily, like theses, some documents of work of international organisms and some information presented in conferences.

References are not considered:

Summaries (abstracts) of articles:

Articles that not yet have been accepted for publication, 

Unpublished documents or works that are not easily accessible to the public.  If it is absolutely necessary to mention unpublished sources difficult to obtain, they are possible to be mentioned in the text (between parenthesis).

Personal communications.  They are due to mention in the text (between parenthesis), without note on footer, of the following way:  


Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly's access and utilization [tesis doctoral]. St. Louis (MO): Washington University; 1995. 

Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Programa Regional Mujer, Salud y Desarrollo. Estrategia global, metas y líneas de acción de la cooperación técnica sobre mujer, salud y desarrollo 1992-1993. Washington, DC, febrero de 1991. (Documento fotocopiado). 

Calvo M, Spence V. Desarrollo de un programa de rehabilitación integral y seguimiento del paciente post-infarto y su grupo familiar. Tesis, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio: San Pedro de Montes de Oca, 1986.

Example of personal communication:

"D. A. Ramírez (comunicación personal, 7 de abril de 1991) observó que . . ." 

"Para el análisis de los datos se usó un modelo de regresión logística modificado (S. M. Pereira, comunicación personal, 1996)". 

Newspaper articles:

Jofre Vartanian A. Rumbo incierto en ciencia y tecnología [foro]. La Nación 1995 17 de diciembre; sección "Opinión":15-A y 16-A. 


American Medical Association. Manual for authors and editors: Editorial Style and Manuscript Preparation. 7a ed. Los Altos, California: Lange Medical Publications; 1981. 

ANSI. American National Estándar for Bibliographic Reference. New York: American National Standards Institute, Inc., 1977.

Bazerque, Pablo; Tessleer, José; Cap. VIII: Interpretación y Comunicación de los Resultados, en : Método y Técnica de la Investigación Clínica. Buenos Aires. Ediciones Torey, 1982.

Bobenrieth, Manuel A.; Ribbi-Jaffé, Alida. Partes del Artículo Científico. Washington, D.C. Organización Panamericana de la Salud, 1988.

Bobenrieth, Manuel A. Tablas e ilustraciones. Washington, D.C. Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Documento PNSP/98-81, 1963.

Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. Lineamientos para los autores. Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas. San José, Costa Rica; 1990.

Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. Instrucciones para los autores. Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas. San José, Costa Rica; 1997.

Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. Instrucciones para los autores. Rev Costarric Cienc Med 1996; 17:89-96.

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