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vol.22 suppl.1Times of Pandemic and Higher Education Teaching: reinventing methodological proposals between home and connective media platformsAcademic and administrative management of the Agricultural Engineering major at UNED and associated research and extension processes in times of COVID-19 author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Innovaciones Educativas

On-line version ISSN 2215-4132Print version ISSN 1022-9825


VILLANUEVA GUTIERREZ, Óscar Eligio  and  LOPEZ LOPEZ, Leticia Isabel. COVID-19’s Pandemic determinism and freedom: implication for the subject, the individual, and the person. Innovaciones Educativas [online]. 2020, vol.22, suppl.1, pp.64-78. ISSN 2215-4132.

This essay discusses the philosophical connection of determinism and freedom as a framework to think about COVID-19’s Pandemic in the three conditions of the human being: subject, person, and individual; centered in the teacher when he/she is already immersed in various natural and globalizing determinisms giving the impression that the exercise of healthy freedom is impossible. It aims at putting forward an analysis model for action comprehension based on compatibilism as a historical and philosophical choice. That being said, the nexus between the teachers and the education system, involving at the same time professional needs, along with the compulsion of balance and stability while suffering vulnerability in the face of the onslaught of the pandemic. Be that as it may, strengthening teachers drawing on the subject, the person and the individual as sources of teacher identity whatever happens with determinism and freedom in the profession would be an essential factor of importance in subjectivity constitution, professionalism, dignity, and the individuation that guide the teaching practice. In conclusion, it is possible to improve the education system in times of educational reforms and in pandemic’s times, if and only if, the deterministic system admits that it needs the teacher’s professional skills to work in the curricular and pedagogical integration, as well as information and communication technologies (ICT) and collective academic methods.

Keywords : teacher identity; individual; subject; person; compatibilism; pandemic; COVID-19.

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