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Revista Educación

On-line version ISSN 2215-2644Print version ISSN 0379-7082


RAMIREZ DIAZ, Jose Laurian et al. Regular students´ perception about the causes of school dropout in secondary schools belonging to Cartago Region of Education, Costa Rica. Educación [online]. 2018, vol.42, n.2, pp.80-96. ISSN 2215-2644.

Several studies have been conducted on school dropout due to its many repercussions for the individual as well as the society. Costa Rican authorities have created socio-economic, pedagogical and psychosocial support programs as strategies to keep students in the educational system, but the phenomenon has prevailed over time. There have also been isolated implemented strategies that a im at decreasing dropout rates, but their impact has not been evaluated appropriately and the results are never socialized. This paper presents a comparative factorial quantitative study conducted with 624 regular students from20 schools (technical professional secondary schools and academic secondary schools) belonging to Cartago Region of Education. Some schools have day time schedule and nighttime schedule. The students revealed their perception related the causes of school dropout with the aim of proposing technical diagnostic criteria which will be used as starting points for implementing strategies and preventive dropout actions in educational contexts, and to be used as a reference for education professionals who are concerned about this issue and want to carry out intervention actions and prevent this phenomenon considering student motivation and students´ sense of belonging to the school as the pillars for preventive action sand educational management.

Keywords : school dropout; grade repetition; educational management; motivation; counseling.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )