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Revista Educación

On-line version ISSN 2215-2644Print version ISSN 0379-7082


BUSTOS- IBARRA, Andrea Verónica; MONTENEGRO- VILLALOBOS, Cintia Susana; SANDOVAL- SANTANA, Wilma Lorena  and  MELO-LETELIER, Giselle Francis. Creating comprehension contexts: The role the students play in classroom reading situations. Educación [online]. 2018, vol.42, n.2, pp.21-41. ISSN 2215-2644.

The type of events and the participation structures of nine primary school Chilean educators teaching 3 rd , 5th , and 7th grade science, history and Spanish lessons were characterized in collective reading situations. The system used was the one provided by Sánchez et al (2008) where the frequency of planning and interpretation/evaluation episodes and the participation structure were analyzed. The results showed a low percentage of planning episodes with a great domain of the teacher’s discourse. Like wise, a higher rate of interpretation/evaluation, with a lack of students’ involvement, either in the level or in the subject was found. These results allowed to explain the context in which the collective reading is created and how it determines the learner role as a reader in training.

Keywords : pedagogical practices; reader in training; participation; autonomy; “transference of control”.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )