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vol.15 issue1Economía, Estado y comunidades indígenas en Talamanca, Costa Rica, 1927-1948La Nueva Organización Anticomunista (NOA). Historia represiva de un escuadrón de la muerte para estatal author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe

On-line version ISSN 1659-4940Print version ISSN 1659-0139


MOLINA VARGAS, Silvia Elena. La violencia política contra los comunistas tras la guerra civil en Costa Rica (1948-1949). Inter.c.a.mbio [online]. 2018, vol.15, n.1, pp.133-158. ISSN 1659-4940.

This article explains the political repression suffered by the Costa Rican communists during the postwar period, specifically in the months of governance of the “Junta” chai red by José Figueres Ferrer. To develop this research, La Nación, Diario de Costa Rica and La Prensa Libre newspapers, records of the National Archive of Costa Rica and the Judicial Archive, and memories of people who lived at the time were used. Research shows that Communists experienced different levels of intensity in the repression, with high points that included murders, depending on the dynamics of the “Junta” and the influence of the anti-communist groups.

Keywords : Communism; political violence; civil war; anti-communism; Figueres Ferrer.

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