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Agronomía Mesoamericana

On-line version ISSN 2215-3608Print version ISSN 1659-1321


TEJERA-HERNANDEZ, Berto; HEYDRICH-PEREZ, Mayra  and  ROJAS-BADIA, Marcia M.. Aislamiento de Bacillus solubilizadores de fosfatos asociados al cultivo del arroz. Agron. Mesoam [online]. 2013, vol.24, n.2, pp.357-364. ISSN 2215-3608.

Phosphate solubilization by rice associate Bacillus. The objective pursued with this study was to isolate Bacillus bacteria from rice (Oryza sativa L.) and determine its potential for phosphate solubilization. Isolates were obtained using the Microcosm model from Iacuba 30 and Perla cultivar, established by Bauta (2008) in La Habana, Cuba. Fifty eight isolates were obtained from the rice rhizosphere and inside of the roots and leaves with characteristics typical of Bacillus, such as Gram positive, rod cells and endospore formation. The qualitative capacity of these isolates for phosphate solubilization was assayed in solid NBRIP medium; the results revealed that only 19 strains solubilized inorganic phosphate and some of them changed the medium color from blue to yellow, presumably due to acid excretion. Positives were selected for assay in liquid medium, and they showed different responses in terms of time and maximum phosphate solubilization.

Keywords : Bacilli; inorganic phosphate; Oryza sativa L..

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