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Actualidades Investigativas en Educación

On-line version ISSN 1409-4703Print version ISSN 1409-4703


SOUZA, Mériti de  and  CARVALHO, Diana Carvalho de. Education, State and ideology in Brazil: from the colony (1549) to the Republic (1889). Rev. Actual. Investig. Educ [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.3, pp.419-440. ISSN 1409-4703.

This essay deals with the relationship between the political, economic and social context along with the school organization, in Brazil, from 1549 to 1889. It is possible to emphasize ideological mechanisms that operated in this period and their relations with the construction of the Brazilian schooling, seeking to identify the historical path traveled by the government policies and changes in the educational setting. In the early days of the implementation of the school system, ideologies linked to the elites were circulating, which did not require State interference to legitimize them. From the middle of the nineteenth century, when these ideologies did not converge with their interests, we observed the state's change of position, in order to increase control over the circulation of ideologies within schools.

Keywords : education; ideology; state; Brazil.

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