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Revista Electrónica Educare

On-line version ISSN 1409-4258Print version ISSN 1409-4258


DEL PINO-SEPULVEDA, Miguel; DEL PINO-SEPULVEDA, Alejandra  and  PINCHEIRA-FUENTEALBA, David. Approaching Reading from the Perspective of the Ministry of Education and the Dialogic Pedagogy "Enlazando Mundos". Educare [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.3, pp.120-140. ISSN 1409-4258.

This research aims to characterize the curriculum, the didactics and the assessment promoted by the Ministry of Education of Chili, and the dialogic pedagogy "Enlazando Mundos" (Bridging Worlds). This is a qualitative study based on the dialogic-Kishu Kimkelay Ta Che research approach, with a design of two case studies derived from documentary sources. The procedure to collect and construct knowledge is the interpretation of the dialogic speech; as a data analysis, it focuses on pedagogical definitions from the perspective of transformative, excluding and conservative dimensions, in order to compare-interpret and reflect on educational inputs in relation to reading in a course of language and communication. As a result, it is observed the incongruity from the State in communicative curriculum design and its operational proposal, and in the regionalized construction the dialogic pedagogy "Enlazando Mundos" (Bridging Worlds) is carrying out.

Keywords : Reading; curriculum; didactics; assessment.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )