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vol.18 issue1A Way to Change Learning: Field Trips as a University Pedagogical ResourceModelo de estructura organizacional para los institutos universitarios, vinculante con la realidad socioeconómica venezolana: Model of Organizational Structure for University Institutes Binding with the Venezuelan Socioeconomic Reality author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Electrónica Educare

On-line version ISSN 1409-4258Print version ISSN 1409-4258


REYNOSO FLORES, Miguel; CASTILLO ELIZONDO, Jaime Arturo  and  DIMAS RANGEL, María Isabel. La  formación integral del estudiantado de ingeniería a través de la educación continua: Comprehensive Training of Engineering Students through Continuing Education. Educare [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.1, pp.77-96. ISSN 1409-4258.

This paper addresses a priority for student training in general and particularly for future engineers. Although this  issue  has been frequently addressed in  recent  years,  proposals are still insufficient  for engineering students. This  paper is aimed at theoretically and empirically demonstrating the  potential  of continuing  education as one  of the  key areas that engineering schools have for the comprehensive training of students. Preliminary results of a research  project commissioned by the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Electrica-FIME) of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico, are presented to respond  to the need  to improve  the  learning  process  of students with a comprehensive approach. The research justification and some of the results obtained in the exploratory phase are also described.

Keywords : Comprehensive  training of engineers; continuing  education; engineering student.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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