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Medicina Legal de Costa Rica

On-line version ISSN 2215-5287Print version ISSN 1409-0015


IGLESIAS, Román; BASTIDAS, Daniel; ARCINIEGAS, Yenifer  and  BASTIDAS, Gilberto. Concausality in a clinical case of subdural hematoma. Med. leg. Costa Rica [online]. 2017, vol.34, n.2, pp.113-117. ISSN 2215-5287.

The forensic sciences, through its body of knowledge, must accurately direct, through the provision of sufficient data, the execution of laws in function of justice with special interest in killings, where the existence in the victim of a condition unknown by the attacker aggravates the effect of his action, which ends with the life of the victim. This report presents a case in which a facial trauma caused in a dispute between attacker and attacker degenerates into acute subdural hematoma with sudden death of the latter, attributed to intrinsic weakness of the wall of the blood vessels and / or defect in thickness the shell of the storm and even the sum of both anatomical circumstances. It is concluded that forensic expertise based on the support of evidence is key to establishing responsibility for authorship of an illegal act.

Keywords : Causality; subdural hematoma; traumatic brain injury; forensic medicine.

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