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Medicina Legal de Costa Rica

On-line version ISSN 2215-5287Print version ISSN 1409-0015


GARRO DONINI, Alessio. Valoración del daño corporal en los extremos de la vida. Med. leg. Costa Rica [online]. 2016, vol.33, n.2, pp.31-37. ISSN 2215-5287.

Age is a physiological condition of the individual who can significantly influence the evolution of the injury suffered, so the scalability compared to the same pathological conditions, adaptability and compensation mechanisms is not the same in children and young people in the elderly, who suffer respect to the first slower and not so favorable recoveries (Criado del Rio, 2011). Traumatic injuries in children are of great importance in today’s society, giving rise to situations that create one of the biggest public health problems of major importance. Adults higher always have an earlier state, all determined by your medical history (previous diseases), or by the characteristics of aging or deterioration of involution anatomical structures and functional capabilities in addition to a reduced ability to adapt and change in response to health (Gisbert, 2001).

Keywords : Bodily harm; children; elderly; former state later stage; bone fractures.

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