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Agronomía Costarricense

Print version ISSN 0377-9424


ULLOA, Luis; SAENZ, Marco Vinicio  and  CASTRO, Johanny. Effect of storage at different temperatures on development of external color and quality of pineapple fruits cv. Gold Extra Sweet. Agron. Costarricense [online]. 2015, vol.39, suppl.1, pp.9-20. ISSN 0377-9424.

In order to improve the quality of the fruit, judged at the market as the degree of yellowing of the peel, 2 experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of storage temperature on change in external color of pineapple (Ananas comosus) fruit cv. "Gold Extra Sweet". The temperatures evaluated were 7.5°C; 10.0°C; 12.5°C and 15.0°C, and their effect on the color change and the chlorophyll content in the peel, respiration rate and parameters of external and internal quality were measured. The fruit was stored at different temperatures for 21 days and then transferred to 18.0°C during 4 additional days. At the end of the storage period, pineapples at 7.5°C showed the highest content of chlorophyll a (200 µg.g-1 f.w) and the lowest degree of external color (0.32-0.70), fruits stored at 15.0°C had the lowest content of chlorophyll a (40 µg.g-1 f.w) and the highest color grade (4.42-5.25). Pineapples stored at 7.5°C showed the lowest respiration rate at 21 days (6.4 ml CO2/kg*h), while fruit stored at 15.0°C had the highest respiration rate (15.8 ml CO2/kg*h). As the storage temperature increased the weight loss and mold growth in the peduncle increased. At the end of storage at 18.0°C, the color advance in the fruits previously stored at 7.5°C was the lowest, while the highest external yellow color developed on the fruits previously kept at 15.0°C. The results suggest that the storage temperature affects chlorophyll degradation and development of external yellow color, which could be useful in the commercial management of pineapple fruit.

Keywords : Pineapple; storage temperature; external color change; chlorophyll; respiration; non-climacteric.

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