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 issue58Miocene to recent radiolarians from southern pacific coast of Costa RicaThe first fossil record of a myriapoda (polydesmida) from the late pleistocene locality of la Palmera de San Carlos, Alajuela province, Costa Rica author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Geológica de América Central

On-line version ISSN 0256-7024Print version ISSN 0256-7024


LAURITO, César A.  and  MORA, Martín J.. A new fossil record of aturia cubaensis (lea, 1841) [cephalopoda, nautilidae] from the lower-middle miocene of Costa Rica. Rev. Geol. Amér. Central [online]. 2018, n.58, pp.171-178. ISSN 0256-7024.

A new specimen of Aturia fossil was collected from sublitoral or shallow marine sedimentary sequences of the Lower- Middle Miocene Roca Carballo Formation at the Central Pacific coast, in the Puntarenas province, Costa Rica. As result of the taxonomic study of the fossil, it is confirmed that this specimen corresponds to Aturia cubaensis (Lea, 1841), based on the shell shape and in major features of its sculpture. This is the second time that this species is recorded for the Miocene of South Central America and some stratigraphic inferences about the first found at the Río Banano Formation are made.

Keywords : Aturia; Nautilidae; Lower-Middle Miocene; Roca Carballo Formation; Río Banano Formation; Costa Rica..

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