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vol.18 issue3Contribución de las fórmulas de soporte nutricional al estado nutricional de pacientes con nutrición parenteral total author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas

Print version ISSN 0253-2948


SALAZAR, Lisbeth et al. Determinación del dímero D en pacientes con anticoagulante lúpico. Rev. costarric. cienc. méd [online]. 1997, vol.18, n.3, pp.17-23. ISSN 0253-2948.

The determination of Dimer-D has a great value establishing the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis. However, in patients that present lupic anticoagulant, its importance and discovery are still not well defined. Because of these reasons, an investigation was planned to evaluate its presence in 80 patients with descriptions suggesting the antiphospholipid syndrome. All patients were aged 20 and 40 years. From the total sample estudied only 13 cases (16%), showed a positive test for the mentioned syndrome. Five cases (1 man and 4 women) had positive lupic anticoagulant and 8 cases (2 men and 6 women) had positive the anticardiolipin antibodies. To the whole group of 13 patients the dermination of Dimer-D was made by 2 different methods. The levels of fibrinogen and the presence of the fibrinogen degradation products were also realized. The methods used to determine Dimer-D were: indirect agglutination with latex particles, and an Elisa test. The results obtained show that the patients with a positive lupic anticoagulant and/or a positive anticardiolipin antibodies, together with the presence of Dimer-D, describes cases with venous oclussion wich contributes to the genesis of the trombotic problem.

Keywords : Dimer-D; thrombosis; lupic anticoagulant.

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