| Sumário Rev. ABRA vol.41 no.62 Heredia Jan./Jun. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · Conceptual approaches of categories of social reality linked to university extension Mena García, Priscilla; Monge Hernández, Carmen; Chavarría Briceño, Randy
| | | | · Postmodernism in the foundations of the Costa Rican educational system Solís Vargas, Yors Guillermo
| | | | · Brief notes on the subject or social agent in three currents of sociological thought Mora, Maynor Antonio
| | | | · Identification of ecosystem services in communities associated with three marine areas of responsible fishing, Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica Umaña Blanco, Valeria; Arroyo Zeledón, Michael Steven
| | | | · Theoretical-methodological elements substantiating the role of investigation in the Professional Master’s Degree in Planning program of the Universidad Nacional Láscarez Smith, Daniel; Ortega, Ángel Abelino; Morales-Abarca, Luis Fernando
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