Artículos científicos |
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| · Socio-emotional Well-being in the context of pandemic and virtuality: an approach to parents, teachers, and students of primary education in Chile Aguilar Correa, Cristian; Farías Farías, Bárbara Beatriz; Fuentes Savoy, Marcela Paz; Miranda Núñez, Paulina Ignacia; Pérez Pérez, Matías Ignacio
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| · Inequalities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Educational experiences of the secondary level in Argentina Alucin, Silvia; Monjelat, Natalia
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| · Educational challenges and motivational orientations in college students from the health sciences department during the COVID-19 Pandemic Olguín López, Alma Yasmin; Arriaga Martínez, Jorge Luis; Gaeta González, Martha Leticia
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| · Sense of belonging and student commitment in the context of higher distance learning with virtual mediation González-Campos, José Alejandro; Agredo-Morales, Jobana Fayine; Campo Sánchez, María Daniela; Hernández, María Paula; Oviedo Tovar, Nubia Liliana
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| · Factors associated with resilience in militarized high school students in the state of Nuevo León, Mexico Lozano Treviño, David Fernando; Maldonado Maldonado, Lauro
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| · Evaluation: A key tool to promote education and creativity in the curriculum design Moncada Rodríguez, Gloria Rebeca; Villarreal Soto, Blanca Margarita; Espericueta Medina, Marta Nieves; Tamez Aguirre, Elsa Lucía
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| · Consistency between teaching practice and the evaluation of teaching by students in higher education: Case studies in the Universidad Veracruzana Silva Blanco, Lily Ariadna
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| · Design and validation of a measurement scale to explore the structuring knowledge in the comprehensive training of university students Torres Velázquez, Alejandra Magali; Zanatta Colín, Martha Elizabeth
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| · Teaching higher-order thinking skills in public elementary schools in Mexico Heffington, Deon Victoria; Cabañas Victoria, Vladimir Veniamin; Dzay Chulim, Floricely; Negrete Cetina, Magnolia
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| · Promotion of scientific skills in science and technology textbooks of the second grade of secondary Education in Peru Arana Tuesta, Petter Martín; Solís Trujillo, Beymar Pedro
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| · Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) level and needs of pre-Service english as a foreign Language (EFL) Teachers: Evidence from Turkey Farhadi, Sepide; Öztürk, Gökhan
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| · Professional teacher training needs in teaching english: A case study in the Brunca Region of Costa Rica Brand Fonseca, Kevin Armando; Barrantes Elizondo, Lena; Segura Arias, Roger; Arguedas Zúñiga, Roberto
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| · English as a foreign language university (EFL) students’ perception of dictionary use and training Charpentier Jiménez, William
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| · The role of languages in the internationalization of higher education. A case study in educational sciences in Argentina Pozzo, María Isabel; Talavera, María Eugenia
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| · Teachers’ perception of the english curriculum change in Costa Rica: The action-oriented approach Vargas Solís, María Antonieta; Zumbado Venegas, Álvaro; Salazar Miranda, Jimmy; Vargas Badilla, Estefannía; Jiménez Murillo, Edgardo; Arroyo Chaves, Deily; Campos Solís, Vanessa; Arias Zúñiga, Abigail
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| · The understanding and improvement of educational centers through the analysis of their management projects: the case of Córdoba, Spain García-Segura, Sonia; Copé-Gil, Diego; Gil-Pino, Carmen
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| · Importance of the quality of university services: The case of sämann university of Jalisco, Campus Tijuana Piñera Ramírez, David; Cruz Estrada, Isaac
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| · Benefits of legends for reading comprehension, a study in Madrid, Spain Palma Campos, Silvia
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| · Lexical mastery and semantic relationships: vocabulary validation for reasoning items Calvo Díaz, Karen; Martínez Alpízar, Diana; Pérez Rojas, Nelson; Rojas Rojas, Guaner; Solano Moraga, Sigrid
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| · The Conectar Igualdad Program in Argentina from the voices of its protagonists. An analysis of its management structure and decision-making network Marchetti, Braian; Porta, Luis
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| · Didactic guide for solving problems on homogeneous fractions in the eighth Year of general basic education Lorenzo Benítez, Roberto; Freire Pulla, Wilmer Antonio; Macías Barzola, Eulogio Wilfrido; Cedeño Heras, Paola Dayanara
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| · The learning styles of nursing technicians students and their usefulness in teaching didactics Zúñiga González, Mónica; Valenzuela Fuenzalida, Juan; Bastias Troncoso, Lilian
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| · Teacher Discomfort: The Inclusion of a 5-Year-Old Girl with Microcephaly in the Preschool Classroom Sánchez-Domínguez, Juan Pablo; Cab Loria, Jennifer Monserrat; Shiels Méndez, Kimberly Scarlett
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| · Towards a non-formal and contextualized environmental education process in the community of Chacarita, Puntarenas, Costa Rica Carvajal-Oses, Milagro; Valerio-Carranza, Enyell; Moreira-Segura, Christian; Herrera-Ulloa, Ángel
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| · Implementation of a didactic strategy based on collaborative and active learning in topographic engineering: role play Chaves Chaves, Elena
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| · Proposal for the incorporation of 3D modeling and printing for the teaching of civil engineering at the University of Costa Rica Mata Abdelnour, Erick
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Artículos científicos de experiencia social o didáctica |
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| · Innovation in higher education and its challenges from COVID-19 Arriaga Cárdenas, Omar Guillermo; Lara Magaña, Paola del Carmen
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| · Design and quantum management of continue education projects as an alternative to close the education gap induced by the COVID-19 pandemic Campos-Rudin, Manuel
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| · Infections, curcumin and 8PP: education and scientific dissemination in school laboratories Pérez, Cristina; Farah, Ezequiel
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| · Undergraduate research: experiences from the school of tourism, Cuba Hernández Flores, Yoan; Quintana Soto, Melissa; Torres Hechavarría, Lisandra
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| · Learning to think with conceptual Maps: The strengthening of the community of Maperos Castro Carazo Ocampo Hernández, Stefany
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| · Critical thinking skills in elementary school learners and the task-based language teaching approach: A systematic literature review Narváez Pérez, Estíbaliz
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Revisiones bibliográficas |
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| · School nutrition and food education: recent trends in research in Latin America between 2005 and 2021 Fuentes, Sebastián; Estrada, Belén
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| · Characterization of the Components of formative research in the contemporary university in Latin America Corona Meza, Wilfrido
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| · State of the art of the 4MAT system in educational research and english language learning Jaime Romero, Berenice; Chávez Arellano, María Eugenia; Castillejos López, Willelmira
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| · From the company to the school: reconstruction of knowledge management in the educational field Chamorro Burgos, Diego Fernando
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| · Administrative management in educational management Units: A literature review Peralta Tapia, Manuela Esperanza; Horna Torres, Eleuterio; Horna Torres, Enrique; Heredia Llatas, Flor Delicia
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| · Promotion of values in the training of physical education teachers: a systematic review Pérez Norambuena, Samuel
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Ensayos |
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| · The writing of academic texts at the university: a reflection from the teaching experience at the national Pedagogical University Salazar Silva, María de Lourdes
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| · The design of strategies and tactics in the strategic planning of education Arroyo Valenciano, Juan Antonio
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| · Observaciones sobre los procedimientos didácticos de las ciencias naturales en Costa Rica Castro Meléndez, Esther
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