Artículo Científico |
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| · Social Contexts and Educational Innovation Trends: A Bibliographical Mapping Analysis Ramírez Ramírez, Leticia Nayeli
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| · Cooperative Learning in Physical Education: Initial Challenges and Developmental Proposals Martínez Benito, Raúl; Sánchez Sánchez, Galo
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| · A Validation of a Reading Comprehension Test for University Students Brizuela Rodríguez, Armel; Pérez Rojas, Nelson; Rojas Rojas, Guaner
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Ensayo |
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| · Teacher Perception about Excessive Amounts of Extracurricular Activities that Interfere with Regular Classes Vindas Carmona, Cinthia Jazmín
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Artículo Científico |
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| · Case Study: Student Perception about Philosophy of Education and Pedagogy in Teacher-Training. Camacho Verdugo, Luis Rodrigo; Morales Paredes, Hernán
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| · Comparison of Teaching Strategies Used at Two Mainstream Schools with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Students Fortuny Guasch, Rosa; Sanahuja Gavaldà, Josep M.
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| · Teaching Preschoolers English in a Public Educational Context López-Montero, Rosberly
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| · Student Motivation towards Mathematics at Blended Learning and Place-Based Classroom High Schools Jiménez Villalpando, Amaranta; Garza Kanagusiko, Arianna; Méndez Flores, Cindy Patricia; Mendoza Carrillo, Jesús; Acevedo Mendoza, Jorge; Arredondo Contreras, Luis Carlos; Quiroz Rivera, Samantha
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| · How is Peer Tutoring Conceptualized? The Voice of University Tutors Cabrera-Murcia, E. Piedad
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| · Personalist Criteria for an Anthropological Assessment of Technology Use at School Vera González, Raquel
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| · Argumentation and Disciplinary Training for University Geography Students Díaz, Juan Pablo; Mignone, Aníbal Marcelo; Roque Bar, Aníbal
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| · Identifying Freshman Student Expectations at the CES University Dentistry Program in Medellín (Colombia) Mejía Pérez, Paula Natalia; Martínez Delgado, Cecilia María
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| · Reasons Justifying the Need to Require First-order Quantificational Logic on Admissions Exams Preparation Manuals for State Universities in Lima, Peru Mora Ramírez, Rafael Félix
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| · Flipped Classrooms for Skills Development: Use of Technology with High School Students Flores, Linda Gladiola; Veytia Bucheli, María Guadalupe; Moreno Tapia, Javier
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| · A Descriptive Study of Sociodemographic and Motivational Variables Associated with Dropping out of School: A Perspective of Freshman University Students Hernández-Jiménez, María Teresa; Moreira-Mora, Tania Elena; Solís-Salazar, Martín; Fernández-Martín, Tatiana
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| · Standardizing the Use of Mathematical Models: A Challenge Faced by the Colombian Educational System Olarte García, Julián Alejandro
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| · How English as a Foreign Language (EFL) University Students Understand the Pronunciation of Adjectives Ending in -ed Charpentier Jiménez, William
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| · Team-Based Learning in a Higher Education Engineering Course Reyes-Torres, Guillermo; H. Saavedra, Jorge; Aguayo-Vergara, Margarita
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| · The Inconsistent Relationship between Education Quality Measurement System Scores and Grade Point Averages of 8th Grade Students in Chile Vergara Díaz, Gastón; Peredo López, Hernán
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| · Physical Activity Levels at School: Use of the System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth (SOPLAY) Álvarez Bogantes, Carlos; Villalobos Víquez, Grettel; Rodríguez Méndez, Diego; Herrera Monge, María Fernanda; Delgado Valverde, Antonio
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| · Transdisciplinarity and Postgraduate Teaching, Higher School of Public Management, (ESAP) Escobar, Ricardo Antonio; Escobar, María Beatriz
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| · Self-regulation in University Students: Learning Strategies, Motivation and Emotions Hendrie Kupczyszyn, Karina Noelia; Bastacini, María del Carmen
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| · Concepts on Citizenship among University Students and Professors: Coexistence and Social Transformation Astaíza-Martínez, Andrés Felipe; Castillo-Bohórquez, María Isabel; Rojas-León, Gina Alexandra; Mazorco-Salas, Julio Eduardo; Prieto-Cruz, Oscar Andrés
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| · The Professional Identity of Student Teachers from the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción in Chile Jaramillo Azema, Cristian; Benoit Ríos, Claudine; Castro Cáceres, Ricardo
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| · Discovering Dominant Learning Styles in Higher Level Math Students Coto Jiménez, Marvin
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| · Phenomenology as the Responsibility of the Other: A Study on Teaching Vocation Fernández Guayana, Tany Giselle
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| · La experiencia del estudiantado mediante el uso del diario. ¿Una estrategia para la metacognición? Salgado Ramírez, Alma; García Mendoza, Lorena Yazmín; Méndez-Cadena, María Esther
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Revisión Bibliográfica |
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| · Ethical Behavior in Scientific Publications: Misconduct and Preventive Actions Zúñiga Vargas, Juan Pablo
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| · Review of Values Education for Higher Education in Latin America Moreno Jácome, María Cristina; Ramírez Ramírez, Leticia Nayeli; Escobar Pérez, José Zenón
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| · Rosa Navarro-Haydon: Struggling for Locally Relevant Science Education in Puerto Rico. 1926-1966 González-Espada, Wilson Javier
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| · Serious Games to Enhance Digital Competencies Acquisition for Training Faculty Sandí Delgado, Juan Carlos; Sanz, Cecilia Verónica
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| · The Need for Gender Perspective when Educating Jiménez Quenguan, Myriam; Galeano Barbosa, Deison Julián
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| · The Role of Teachers as Researcher in Reconstructing Educational Professionalism in a Changing World Reis-Jorge, José; Ferreira, Marco; Olcina-Sempere, Gustau
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| · Media Literacy in Latin America: Issues and Experiences Garro-Rojas, Lidieth
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Ensayo |
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| · Higher Education and Commodification of Education: Is There an Alternative? Trujillo Vargas, José Jesús
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| · Outdated Assessments from a University Teaching Perspective Robles-Barrantes, Andrés Ariel
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| · Proposing a Theoretical and State-of-the-Art Didactic Model to Balance Oral Communication Fluency and Accuracy in English as a Foreign Language González Robaina, Yaynel; Díaz Larenas, Claudio
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| · Humanized Education for a More Humanly Democratic Democracy Carabantes Olivares, Edgardo; Contreras-Salinas, Sylvia
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| · The Crisis in Music Education Resulting from the Demise of Educational Institutions Angel-Alvarado, Rolando
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| · From Social to Educational Entropy. A Reflection on the Colombian Context Cárdenas Messa, Gustavo Adolfo
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