Artículo |
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| · Teaching Stategy: A Combination of Teaching to Develop a Risk Management Plan in Class Techiniques Zúñiga-Escobar, Marianela
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| · The ethical challenges of Costa Rican education-political discourse in the period 2006-2010, based on Martin Buber’s dialogical thinking and approach alterity of Emmanuel Levinas Ulate, Esteban J. Beltrán
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| · Former graduate students follow-up of the Graduate Department of the Social Sciences and Humanities School (FCSH) at Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) Rodríguez-Morales, Katia Lorena; Valenzuela-Ortiz, Mónica Giomary
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| · Experiences of knowledge acquired through the hidden curriculum by professionals graduated from the School of Psychology in Tepatitlan, Mexico González Pérez, Cándido; Plascencia de la Torre, Juan Carlos
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| · The internationalization of higher education: Concept and Model Evolution at the University of Costa Rica Aguilar-Castillo, Yorleni; Riveros-Angarita, Alba Stella
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| · A reflection on the teaching program English for Kids, from the Pacific Regional Center, University of Costa Rica López Montero, Rosberly; Rodríguez-Chaves, Karla
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| · Perceptions of Teachers from a School Integration Program towards Inclusive Education Mellado Hernández, María Elena; Chaucono Catrinao, Juan Carlos; Hueche Oñate, Marianela Clementina; Aravena Kennigs, Omar Andrés
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| · Learning assessment in clinical settings. What assess? Why? Maroto-Marín, Orlando
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| · Subject Matter and Trends of Research on the Academic Background of the School of Social Work at University of Costa Rica Angulo Brenes, Sonia
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| · Humor as a teaching resource Fernández Poncela, Anna María
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| · School Management Micropolitics and School Leadership Rodríguez Revelo, Elsy
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Sección especial |
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| · Palabras de la Dra. Lastenia María Bonilla, directora de la Revista Educación, en conmemoración del 40 aniversario de la Revista Bonilla Sandoval, Lastenia M.
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| · Iniciativa de creación de una revista Pérez Zamora, Lic. Flor de Ma.
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| · Relación de las revistas con la investigación: Una amistad de muchos años Córdoba González, Saray
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| · Participación de la Dra. Alejandrina Mata Segreda, Decana de la Facultad de Educación Mata Segreda, Alejandrina
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