| Sumário Tec Empre. vol.17 no.1 Cartago Jan./Abr. 2023 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · The relationship between the economic cycle and work accidents in the United States: A time series analysis Murrell-Blanco, Manfred
| | | | · Evolution of occupational illness in Spain during 2009-2020: Territorial and industrial trends Delgado-Sánchez, Dayana
| | | | · Prospective of the circular economy in a banana agri-food chain Silva-Alvarado, Pola Mary; Orozco-Crespo, Erik; Verduga-Alcívar, Douglas Andrés; Diéguez-Santana, Karel; Ruiz-Cedeño, Sebastiana del Monserrate; Sablón-Cossío, Neyfe
| | | | · VUCA environments before the recession caused by Covid-19: a systematic literature review Woltés, Vicente; Fernández-Mesa, Anabel
| | | | · Collaboration between startups and large firms: A new way to engage in open innovation Kantis, Hugo; Menendez, Cecilia; Álvarez-Martínez, Paola; Federico, Juan
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