| Sumário Reflexiones vol.98 no.1 San Pedro de Montes de Oca Jan./Jun. 2019 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · Exposure to floods in Moravia, San José, Costa Rica Fernández Arce, Mario; Méndez Ocampo, Ileana; Muñoz Jiménez, Rudy
| | | | · Social service and the catholic church: Contextual constrains of its relation in the first years of the Social Service School of the University of Costa Rica Brenes Rodríguez, Milton Ariel
| | | | · A Radiography of the Communication Industry in Costa Rica Carazo Barrantes, Carolina; Halabi García, Paula
| | | | · Intersubjectivity as an epistemic basis of technical-scientific disciplines Garro Mena, Leonardo; Calderón Castro, Jenny Andrea; Láscarez Smith, Daniel
| | | | · In-depth Interview in Public Management Sordini, María Victoria
| | | | · Anti-poverty Policies in Argentina: Scope, Limitations, and Challenges (2002-2015) Trujillo, Lucía; Retamozo, Martín
| | | | · Chameleonic Traditions in the Festive Practices of a Mixtec Transnational Community Rieger, Ivy Alana
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