| Sumário Agron. Mesoam vol.29 no.3 San Pedro Set./Dez. 2018 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · Effect of breed composition on sperm quality of boar Valverde, Anthony; Madrigal-Valverde, Mónica; Camacho-Calvo, Marlen; Zambrana-Jiménez, Adones; López, Leonardo
| | | | · Epidemiological aspects of Cryptosporidium spp. in calves of Tachira State in Venezuela Moreno-Manresa, Carlos D.; Arellano-Semidey, Angela; Martin-Pérez, Cindy
| | | | · Propylene glycol supplementation response in multiovulated cows for embryo production Molina-Coto, Roger; Arroyo-Oquendo, Carlos; Carballo-Guerrero, Daniel; Elizondo-Salazar, Jorge Alberto
| | | | · Influence of different sources and concentrations of flavors on the intake in caprine Vargas-Rodríguez, Claudio Fabián; Carvajal-Villalta, José Andrés
| | | | · Cost of raising a replacement dairy heifer from birth to calving Elizondo-Salazar, Jorge Alberto; Solís-Chaves, Heber Ariel
| | | | · Effects of Mexican peso depreciation on pork market Almazan-Figueroa, Obdulia; Rebollar-Rebollar, Samuel; Velázquez-Villalva, Héctor Hugo; Gómez-Tenorio, Germán; Hernández-Martínez, Juvencio
| | | | · Ecosystem-based Adaptation by smallholder basic grain farms in Guatemala and Honduras Chain-Guadarrama, Adina; Martínez-Rodríguez, M.R.; Cárdenas, J.M.; Vílchez-Mendoza, S.; Harvey, C.A.
| | | | · Host preference by two Bemisia tabaci biotypes in Costa Rica and Florida Hilje, Luko; Stansly, Philip A.
| | | | · Evaluation of legumes as green manure in forage crops for livestock in the dry Colombian Caribbean Castro-Rincón, Edwin; Mojica-Rodríguez, José Edwin; Carulla-Fornaguera, Juan Evangelista; Lascano-Aguilar, Carlos Eduardo
| | | Nota técnica | | | | · Qualitative selection of cuttings of Vanilla planifolia Andrews on the survival and morphogenetic development Azofeifa-Bolaños, José Bernal; Rivera-Coto, German; Paniagua-Vásquez, Amelia; Cordero-Solórzano, Roberto
| | | | · Carbon sequestration in aerial biomass of the oil palm in Chiapas, Mexico Aranda-Arguello, Rutver; Ley-de Coss, Alejandro; Arce-Espino, Consepción; Pinto-Ruiz, René; Guevara-Hernández, Francisco; Raj-Aryal, Deb
| | | | · Yield of early yellow potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) of the Phureja group Seminario-Cunya, Juan F.; Villanueva-Guevara, Roiser; Valdez-Yopla, Misael H.
| | | | · Chemical characterization of new varieties of drought tolerant Cenchrus purpureus Ledea-Rodríguez, José Leonardo; Verdecia-Acosta, Dani; La-O-León, Orestes; Ray-Ramírez, Jorge Valentín; Reyes-Pérez, Juan José; Murillo-Amador, Bernardo
| | | Revisión Bibliográfica | | | | · Compilation of primers for the detection and classification of phytoplasmas Araujo-Ruiz, Karina; Cambrón-Crisantos, José Manuel; Cruz-Jaramillo, José Luis; Ronces-Frutos, Liliana Elizabeth; López-Buenfil, José Abel; Torres-Martínez, José Gustavo
| | | | · Impacts of drought in the primary sector of the Central American Dry Corridor Calvo-Solano, Oscar David; Quesada-Hernández, Luis; Hidalgo, Hugo; Gotlieb, Yosef
| | | | · Green legume fertilizers: integration in agricultural and livestock systems in the tropics Castro-Rincon, Edwin; Mojica-Rodríguez, José Edwin; Carulla-Fornaguera, Juan Evangelista; Lascano-Aguilar, Carlos Eduardo
| | | | · Gardenia: characteristics, uses, pests and diseases and basic aspects of its cultivation Castilla-Valdés, Yanelis
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