| Sumário Agron. Mesoam vol.29 no.1 San Pedro Jan./Abr. 2018 Press Release | | | |
Artículos | | | | · Phenotypic characterization of common bean germplasm for resistance to terminal drought Chaves-Barrantes, Néstor Felipe; Polanía, José A.; Muñoz-Perea, Carlos Germán; Rao, Idupulapati M.; Beebe, Stephen E.
| | | | · Pathogenic variability of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and Ecuadorian Phaseolus vulgaris L. germplasm resistance Rodríguez-Ortega, Diego; Vega-Jiménez, Laura; Murillo-Ilbay, Ángel; Peralta-Idrovo, Eduardo; Rosas-Sotomayor, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Nutritional characterization and determination of phytic acid as an anti-nutritional factor of cowpea beans De-Paula, Claudia Denise; Jarma-Arroyo, Sara; Aramendiz-Tatis, Hermes
| | | | · Silica complemented fertilization on tomato resistance to Fusarium oxysporum Schtdl. García-Ramos, Yolanda; Galindo-Tovar, María Elena; Murguía-González, Joaquín; Landero-Torres, Ivonne; Leyva-Ovalle, Otto Raúl
| | | | · Molecular identification of Fusarium isolates associated with passion fruit in five locations from Valle del Cauca, Colombia Henao-Henao, Edwin David; Hernández-Medina, Carlos Alberto; Salazar-González, Claudia; Velasco-Belalcazar, Martha Lucia; Gómez-López, Eyder Daniel
| | | | · Seed and fruit morphological diversity of ten Mexican Lagenaria siceraria landraces Grimaldo-Juárez, Onécimo; Suárez-Hernández, Ángel Manuel; Ceceña-Durán, Carlos; González-Mendoza, Daniel
| | | | · Creole clone yam from air bulbils production Borges-García, Misterbino; Reyes-Avalos, Diana María; Leyva-Domínguez, Humberto; Ávila-Medina, Ubail; Lambert-García, Tania
| | | | · Weed abundance and ground cover under conventional or organic management of coffee and banana Agüero-Alvarado, Renán; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Ana María; González-Lutz, María Isabel; Portuguez-García, Pamela; Brenes-Prendas, Steven
| | | | · Economic analysis: a study case of Jatropha curcas L. using the partial budgets methodology Ávalos-Cerdas, Juan Manuel; Villalobos-Monge, Alexis
| | | | · Efecto del genotipo y alimentación final sobre cortes cárnicos comerciales y calidad de canal en novillos Rodríguez-González, Karla; Valverde-Abarca, Anthony; Rodríguez-González, Julio; Murillo-Bravo, Olger; Camacho-Calvo, Marlen
| | | | · Genetic and environmental factors that have an effect in dairy cattle foot injuries in Costa Rica Solano-López, Marvin; Vargas-Leitón, Bernardo; Saborío-Montero, Alejandro; Pichardo-Matamoros, Derling
| | | | · Nutritional composition of Tripsacum laxum fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium Boschini-Figueroa, Carlos; Vargas-Rodríguez, Claudio Fabián
| | | Notas Técnicas | | | | · Forage production and nutritive value of maize hybrids and local oats in Costa Rica Sánchez Ledezma, William; Hidalgo-Ardón, Carlos
| | | | · Evaluation of testicular development and morphometrics measurements in Colombian hair sheep Espitia-Pacheco, Amado; Montes-Vergara, Donicer; Lara- Fuenmayor, Diego
| | | | · Ryegrass and clover establishment and production in two regions of the Colombian’s highlands Vargas-Martínez, Juan; Sierra-Alarcón, Andrea; Benavidez-Cruz, Juan; Avellaneda-Avellaneda, Yesid; Mayorga-Mogollón, Olga; Ariza-Nieto, Claudia
| | | | · Assessment of weeds as alternative hosts of plant-parasitic nematodes in coffee plantations in Costa Rica Peraza-Padilla, Walter; Orozco-Aceves, Martha
| | | | · Efficiency of nitrogen use in fertilized organic and mineral corn Sosa-Rodrigues, Breno Augusto; García-Vivas, Yuly Samanta
| | | | · “Green waste” as a substrate component in Begonia spp. potting cultivation Acosta-Durán, Carlos Manuel; Acosta-Peñaloza, Denisse
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