Artículos |
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| · Technical efficiency in dairy herds from Costa Rica Vargas-Leitón, Bernardo; Solís-Guzmán, Oscar; Sáenz-Segura, Fernando; León-Hidalgo, Héctor
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| · Milkyield of Simmental x Zebu and Brown Swiss x Zebucows in tropical climate Ríos-Utrera, Ángel; Hernández-Hernández, Víctor Delio; Villagómez Amezcua-Manjarréz, Eugenio; Zárate-Martínez, Juan Prisciliano
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| · Total immunoglobulin concentration in colostrum produced by dairy cows in Costa Rica Elizondo-Salazar, Jorge Alberto
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| · Productive behaviour of orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) to sheep grazing management Hernández-Guzmán, Filogonio Jesús; Hernández-Garay, Alfonso; Ortega-Jiménez, Eusebio; Enríquez-Quiroz, Javier Francisco; Velázquez-Martínez, Mauricio
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| · Análisis histopatológico en Litopenaeus vannamei infectado con Vibrio parahaemolyticus Peña-Navarro, Nelson; Varela-Mejías, Alexander
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| · Statistical selection for estimating the accuracy in experimental corn trials Gordón-Mendoza, Román; Camargo-Buitrago, Ismael
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| · Productivity of intervarietal hybrids of yellow grain corn for high valleys of México Tadeo-Robledo, Margarita
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| · Response of native maize from Mexican highlands to ear rot, under natural infection Briones-Reyes, Dolores; Castillo-González, Fernando; Chávez-Servia, José Luis; Aguilar-Rincón, Víctor Héber; de León García-de Alba, Carlos; Ramírez-Hernández, Antonio
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| · Agronomic performance of hybrids and parents of grain sorghum in Huastecas Williams-Alanís, Héctor; Arcos-Cavazos, Gerardo
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| · Asparagus chain: Fifth year production of different genotypes and postharvest behaviour Kirschenbilder, Erika; Castagnino, Ana María; Díaz, Karina Elizabeth; Rosini, María Belén; Falavigna, Agostino
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| · Humidity levels in soil in the onion bulbs production Estrada-Prado, Wilfredo; Lescay-Batista, Elio; Álvarez-Fonseca, Alexander; Maceo-Ramos, Yariuska Caridad
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| · La emisión foliar en plátano y su relación con la diferenciación floral Vargas-Calvo, Alfonso; Acuña-Chinchilla, Pablo; Valle-Ruiz, Henry
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| · Genetic diversity of avocado (Persea americana Mill) cultivars in Antioquia, Colombia Cañas-Gutiérrez, Gloria Patricia; Galindo-López, Leonardo F.; Arango-Isaza, Rafael; Saldamando-Benjumea, Clara I.
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| · Culinary practices associated with bean consumption in Costa Rican families Rodríguez-González, Shirley; Fernández-Rojas, Xinia Elena
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| · Preparation and conservation practices of beans in Costa Rican families Rodríguez-González, Shirley; Fernández-Rojas, Xinia Elena
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Comunicaciones cortas |
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| · Survival of pre-parasitic stages of gastrointestinal nematodes in Bocashi made from cattle manure Orozco-Aceves, Martha; Hernández-Gamboa, Jorge; Jiménez-Rocha, Ana Eugenia
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Notas Técnicas |
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| · Evaluation of equipment for broadcast seed sowing of canary and linseed Boschini-Figueroa, Carlos; Vargas-Rodríguez, Fabián; Pineda-Cordero, Luis
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