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Población y Salud en Mesoamérica
versão On-line ISSN 1659-0201


PSM vol.20 no.1 San Pedro Jul./Dez. 2022

 Artículos científicos
 ·  An empirical analysis of homicides in Mexico through Machine Learning and statistical design of experiments
Silva Urrutia, Jose Eliud; Villalobos, Miguel A.

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 ·  Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of probable cases of congenital Zika syndrome and dengue antibody levels, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico
Cardenas Ayala, Víctor M.; Moreno Pérez, Jazmín; Cabrera Besares, Karla; Moreno Lara, Iris F.; Morales Arias, Sabino; Salvatierra Izaba, Ernesto; De Dios Gómez, Victor; Palermo, Pedro M.; Orbegozo, Jeanette; Watts, Douglas M.

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 ·  Trajectories of frailty and related factors of elderly people in Mexico Labor force participation during COVID-19 economic crisis in Mexico: care work demands and differential recovery between men and women
Carnes Borrajo, Lía; Valenciano, María Stephanie

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 ·  Comparative study of cytogenetic biomonitoring in veterinary personnel occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation by cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay
Chaves Campos*, Andrés; Vargas Gamboa, Alejandra; Ramírez Mayorga, Vanessa; Mora Rodríguez, Patricia; Abarca Ramírez, Melissa; Valle Bourrouet, Luisa

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 ·  Chronic non-communicable diseases in Argentina: Model and forecast by sex and age
Del Luján Tosello, Joana María; Andreozzi, Lucía

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 ·  Trajectories of frailty and related factors of elderly people in Mexico spatial bayesian modeling of household structure and fertility in municipalities of Mexico
Núñez Medina, Gerardo

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 ·  Mortality and causes of death: a comparative study between indigenous and non-indigenous areas in Costa Rica
Fantin, Romain; Barboza Solís, Cristina

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 ·  Food, lifestyle and social distancing: a study in the Brazilian southeast during the COVID-19 pandemic
Urquía, Yazareni José Mercadante; Pereira, Taísa Sabrina Silva; Enriquez-Martinez, Oscar Geovanny; Silva, Daniela Alves; Martins, Marcia Cristina Teixeira; Molina, Maria del Carmen Bisi

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 ·  Participatory selection of children as health promoters for obesity prevention in times of COVID-19
Bon Padilla, Karla Alejandra; Ortega Vélez, María Isabel

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 ·  Farmworkers and COVID-19: prevention and working conditions in Sonora, Mexico
Calvario Parra, José Eduardo; Arellano Gálvez, María del Carmen

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 ·  Amenable mortality analysis in Mexico during the period 1998-2019
García Hernández, Héctor; Dávila Cervantes, Claudio Alberto

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 ·  COVID-19 in Costa Rica: longitudinal analysis of the transmission and death rates from the social inequality approach
García-Marín, Anthony; García Fernández, Raúl

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 ·  Tuberculosis in large urban conglomerates: meanings and approach practices of the teams of a network of public services in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jimena Aranda, María; Nahir Barrios, Rocío; Martin Pereira, Andrés; Florencia Mena, María; Longordo, Marina Alexandra; Herrero, María Belén

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 ·  Socioeconomic factors linked to postponement of first union in two cohorts of mexican women
López-Chávez, Anabel; Ortíz-Ávila, Elsa

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 ·  Types and circumstances of marital union in the occurrence of physical intimate partner violence in Chiapas, Mexico, 2016
Suárez Muñoz, Ana Laura; Nazar Beutelspacher, Austreberta; Salvatierra Izaba, Benito; Sánchez Ramírez, Georgina; Torres Dosal, Arturo

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 ·  Barriers according to health care access dimensions and cervical cancer in Costa Rica: a qualitative systematic review
Rivera-Chavarría, Ana; Calderón-Céspedes, Alejandro

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 ·  Social vulnerability factors in immigrant nicaraguan impoverished population in Costa Rica, 2019
Hernández Murillo, Jason

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 ·  Ethical-methodological notes for research in conflict territories: learning's of a bachelor's thesis in Sociology
Vargas Alvarado, Jimmy

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