Editorial |
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| · Editorial García Fallas, Jacqueline
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Artículos |
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| · Some measures for adaptation of Technical Vocational Education and Training to COVID-19 and prospects for its future development in Costa Rica Vargas Méndez, Monserrat; Madrigal Corrales, Laura; Láscarez Smith, Daniel
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| · Professional perspectives on the task of Guidance in Professional Technical Colleges (PTC): Challenges and opportunities Murillo Aguilar, Osvaldo; Ureña Salazar, Viria
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| · The typology of initial TVET Teacher Education in Germany Porcher, Christoph; Trampe, Kristina
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| · Content and competencies to be highlighted and incorporated into technical training for the care of the elderly in Colombia, Costa Rica and Uruguay Leiva Marín, Mónica; López Franco, Laura Cristina; Fernández Cordero, Laura; Berrios Prieto, Elisa; Aldaz Arroyo, Erkuden; López Gómez, Alejandro
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| · Essential knowledge of the professional profile for a master's degree in teacher training in technical education in Costa Rica Quirós Durán, Scarlett
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| · Contributions of counseling in promoting employability in students of Technical and Professional Education and Training (TPET) Guerrero Conejo, Tatiana; Martínez Villegas, Natalia; Montoya Bolaños, Margoth; Ureña Salazar, Viria
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| · Elements that students perceive as a mathematics teacher in the configuration of their professional identity Rivera Abrajan, Magdalena; Reséndiz Rodríguez, Carlos; Salas Vega, Raúl
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| · Towards Institutionalised TVET research in Costa Rica–Empirical Analysis on Status, Needs, and Challenges Rommel, Irina; Angles, Enrique; Frommberger, Dietmar
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| · Socio-emotional competencies and their relationship with the perception of stress in students of the Escuela Normal Superior de México Sánchez Serrano, Cinthia Jessica; Salgado Jaramillo, Gabriela Itzchel; Hernández Escobar, Marleny
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| · Teaching as a profession. A study on motivations of secondary education teachers in the State of Mexico Mejía Bricaire, Jorge; Ojeda Gutiérrez, Jonathan
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| · Research on higher education management. A science map of the publications 2011-2020 Cisternas Irarrázabal, César; Bustos Velásquez, Felipe
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| · Infância, educação e produção de subjetividade: o fenômeno “youtuber mirim” no Brasil Dalla Nora, Heloísa Derkoski; Cadoná, Eliane
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| · Competence framework for the evaluation of professional teaching performance at the University of Costa Rica Zamora Serrano, Evelyn
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| · Cognitive profile of students with low intellectual performance. Associations between intelligence and creativity Chávez Soto, Blanca Ivet; Grimaldo Salazar, Edgar; Castillo Granados, Alma; Rodríguez Reyes, Italia Valeria
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| · Meanings and perspectives in mathematical odeling of teacher trainers in mathematics teaching Chavarría-Vásquez, Jesennia; Gamboa Araya, Ronny
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| · Temas da Bioética e o ambiente escolar: Revisão integrativa Girola, Carolina; Freitas da Cunha, Beatriz; Escobar Martins, Samara; Tomaz Luiz, Maria Eduarda; Marinho, Alcyane
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| · Direito à educação e à saúde nos cotidianos das infâncias em risco humanitário Eyng, Ana Maria; Pimpão Ferreira, Bárbara; Morais Tosta, Priscila; Gomes Alves Mörking, Tiago
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| · Assessing artificial intelligence and professors’ calibration in English as a foreign language writing courses at a Costa Rican public university Charpentier-Jiménez, William
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Ensayos |
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| · Recognition of otherness in the formative spaces of Technical Vocational Education and Training from Costa Rica: pedagogical and curricular approach Castro Campos, María Lourdes
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| · Annotations about the processes of political advocacy for an educational reform in the Costa Rican Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) System Camacho Calvo, Silvia; García Fallas, Jacqueline
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| · Intercultural learning: A pending challenge for the vocational technical training policy in Chile Quezada-Carrasco, Patricio
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| · Da injustiça educacional às políticas afirmativas para a educação superior pública no Brasil Chaves Batista, Neusa
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Reseña de libro |
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| · Reseña de libro de Perezhivanie. La potencia de un concepto vigotskiano Rodríguez Arocho, Wanda C.
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