| Table of contents Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica n.44 San José Jan./Jun. 2023 Press Release | | | |
Artículo Original | | | | · Medicalization of natural childbirth assistance: Profile of pregnancies women in a low-risk maternity hospital Aquino, Alessandra Guimarães; Lima, Juliana de Souza Montenegro; Lima, Luiziane Souza Vasconcelos de; Lima, Luis Davi Alves; Modesto, Hérika Dantas
| | | | · Health and work contexts of nursing professionals during the pandemic of COVID-19 Silva, Lívia Silveira; Passos, Hozana Ries; Oliveira, Jarbas Vieira de; Amaral, Gabriela Gonçalves
| | | | · Judicial impetractions of mothers of children with congenital zika virus syndrome: from motivations to outcomes Santana, Laís da Silva; Vale, Paulo Roberto Lima Falcão do; Lisboa, Erick Soares; Suto, Cleuma Sueli Santos; Santos, Luciano Marques dos; Santana Carvalho, Evanilda Souza de
| | | | · Interdisciplinarity in the pregnants' bucal health from the nurses' perspective Oliveira, Raquel de Maria Carvalho; Diaz, Anamerinda de Oliveira; Bandeira, Mirelle Varela Rodrigues; Belarmino, Adriano da Costa; Anjos, Saiwori de Jesus Silva Bezerra dos; Ferreira, Antonio Rodrigues
| | | | · Caracterization of the organ donation process in a region of northeast Brazil Marinho, Christielle Lidiane Alencar; Santana, Joice Requião Costa De; Leite, Alana Mirelle Coelho; Conceição, Ana Isabel Cezário De Carvalho; Simas, Geisianne Carvalho Da Silva; Fernandes, Flávia Emília Cavalcante Valença
| | | | · Perception of the nursing professional about the care related to extravasation of antineoplastic drugs Lima, Ingrid Andrade; Annes, Laryssa Maryssan Barreto; Góis, Amanda Regina da Silva
| | | | · Mental health and physical activity indicators of banking sector workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Oliveira, Íris Silveira; Quirino, Natália Maria Mesquita de Lima; Teixeira, Gabriella Jenniffer Oliveira de Freitas; Dantas, Jean Paulo Guedes; Oliveira, Leonardo dos Santos
| | | | · Echoes of early-life stress on suicidal behavior in individuals with substance use disorder Júnior, Elton Brás Camargo; Fernandes, Maria Neyrian de Fátima; Gherardi-Donato, Edilaine Cristina da Silva
| | | Artículos de Revisión | | | | · Applications for self-management of type 1 diabetes in users of continuous insulin infusion system Brandão, Maria Girlane Sousa Albuquerque; Ximenes, Maria Aline Moreira; Teixeira, Carla Regina de Sousa; Veras, Vivian Saraiva
| | | Protocolo de Revisión | | | | · Teaching about Incurable Sexually-Transmitted Infections to Undergraduate Nursing Students: Scoping Review Protocol Petry, Stéfany; Padilha, Maria Itayra; Mazera, Maiara Suelen; Silva, Amina Regina
| | | | · Digital resources in the promotion of workers' mental health: Systematic review protocol Jacques, João Paulo Belini; Pinhatti, Evelin Daiane Gabriel; Aroni, Patricia; Leachi, Helenize Ferreira Lima; Ribeiro, Renata Perfeito
| | | | · Effectiveness of perioperative family-centered educational interventions in the anxiety, pain and behaviors of children/adolescents and their parents: Systematic Review Protocol Esteves, Ines Martins; Coelho, Marcia Silva; Cardoso, Daniela; Prata, Ana Paula; Pestana-Santos, Marcia; Santos, Margarida Reis
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