| Sumário Rev. Mat vol.28 no.1 San José Jan./Jul. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · Notes on coherent systems Schmitt, Alexander H.W.
| | | | · Existence conditions for k-barycentric olson constant Marchan, Luz; Ordaz, Oscar; Salazar, José; Villarroel, Felicia
| | | | · Optimizing the quarantine cost for suppression of the COVID-19 epidemic in México Choque-Rivero, Abdon E.; Khailov, Evgenii N.; Grigorieva, Ellina V.
| | | | · Hydrostatic limit for the symmetric exclusion process with long jumps: supper-diffusive case Jiménez Oviedo, Byron; Ramírez Jiménez, Jeremías
| | | | · Simulation of multiple plasma eddies in 2D Alvarado, Daniel; Frutos-Alfaro, Francisco
| | | Article | | | | · Predictive Modelling of losses in non-life insurance Sandí-Corrales, Ana Rosa
| | | Artículo | | | | · A comparative study on speed and density in macroscopic models of vehicular traffic adding the spatial variable on speed Alvarenga-Rodríguez, José Mauricio
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