| Sumário Rev. Mat vol.24 no.2 San José Jul./Dez. 2017 Press Release | | | |
Artículos | | | | · Fuzzy mathematics and cubical complexes Maceda-Méndez, Adolfo
| | | | · On fubini’s theorem for null sets in vector measures Montilla, Armando
| | | | · On the post-linear quadrupole-quadrupole metric Frutos-Alfaro, Francisco; Soffel, Michael
| | | | · Estimation of the infestation rate in coffee berry borer, using a SIR model Mesa, Mónica J.; Molina, Oscar E.; Pulgarín, Alejandra M.
| | | | · Stochastic model for VIH/AIDS epidemics Delgado-Moya, Erick Manuel; Marrero-Severo, Aymée
| | | | · Stochastic model for the HIV infection of T CD4 + cells in immune system Toro-Zapata, Hernán Darío; Roa-Vásquez, Enmanuel; Mesa-Mazo, Mónica Jhoana
| | | | · Mathematical programming for measuring efficiency in educational sector Castillo-Arias, Ileana; Marín-Raventós, Gabriela
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