| Sumário Rev. biol. trop vol.71 supl.1 San José Abr. 2023 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · Spatio-temporal variation in the growth of coral fragments of opportunity in the Eastern Tropical Pacific: implications for coral reef restoration Rodríguez-Troncoso, Alma-Paola; Tortolero-Langarica, J.J.-Adolfo; Padilla-Guzmán, Raúl; Kelly-Gutiérrez, Liza-Danielle; Cupul-Magaña, Amílcar-Leví
| | | | · Change in the composition of fauna associated with Pocillopora spp. (Scleractinia, Pocilloporidae) following transplantation Chomitz, Benjamin-R; Kleypas, Joan-Anne; Cortés, Jorge; Alvarado, Juan-José
| | | | · Succession of the sessile benthic community at a coral reef restoration site Chomitz, Benjamin-R.; Kleypas, Joan-Anne; Cortés, Jorge; Alvarado, Juan-José
| | | | · The contribution of assisted coral restoration to calcium carbonate production in Eastern Pacific reefs Tortolero-Langarica, J. J.-Adolfo; Rodríguez-Troncoso, Alma-P.; Alvarez-Filip, Lorenzo; Cupul-Magaña, Amílcar-L.; Carricart-Ganivet, Juan-P.
| | | | · Bleaching events of the coral Porites lobata (2006-2022) and restoration activities at Ramsar site ''Complejo Los Cóbanos”, El Salvador Barraza, José-Enrique
| | | | · Nursery-reared coral outplanting success in an upwelling-influenced area in Costa Rica Fabregat-Malé, Sònia; Mena, Sebastián; Alvarado, Juan-José
| | | | · Evaluation of demographic indicators of Pocillopora (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) in island vs. coastal sites: Implications for a regional restoration program Rodríguez-Troncoso, Alma-Paola; Tortolero-Langarica, José-de-Jesús-Adolfo; Contreras-Medellín-López, Pastora; Canizales-Flores, Hazel-María; Godínez-Domínguez, Enrique; Cupul-Magaña, Amílcar-Leví
| | | | · Towards reef restoration in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, México: lessons learned Nava, Héctor; González-Rodríguez, Antonio; Narchi, Nemer-E.; Méndez-Medina, Ana-Crisol; Maldonado-López, Yurixhi; Cárdenas-Alvarado, María-Angeles; Figueroa-Camacho, Antonieta-Gina; Drouet-Cruz, Huran-Tonalli; Corona-Morales, Néstor
| | | | · The effect of pruning Acropora palmata as a strategy for obtaining living tissue for reef restoration actions Padilla-Souza, Claudia; Navarro-Espinoza, Eduardo; García-Medrano, Diego; González-Vázquez, David; Gutiérrez-Plata, Sara; Ramírez-Mata, Eloy; Estrada-Saldívar, Nuria
| | | | · Testing the effectiveness of natural and artificial substrates for coral reef restoration at Isla Isabel National Park, Mexico Gómez-Petersen, Pastora; Tortolero-Langarica, José-de-Jesús-Adolfo; Rodríguez-Troncoso, Alma-Paola; Cupul-Magaña, Amílcar-Leví; Ortiz, Marco; Ríos-Jara, Eduardo; Rodríguez-Zaragoza, Fabián-Alejandro
| | | | · Evaluation of the effectiveness of two structures for coral gardens of the species Acropora cervicornis (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in Portobelo National Park Bernal, Luis-Enrique; Gonzales, Yessenia-del-Carmen; Medina, Beatriz-del-Carmen; Gómez, René-Ricardo
| | | | · Community perception of coral reefs in Golfo Dulce: bases for social integration in restoration programs Villalobos-Cubero, Tatiana; Kleypas, Joan-A.; Alvarado, Juan-José; Cortés-Núñez, Jorge
| | | | · Embryogenesis, larval development, and post-settlement survival of the coral Orbicella annularis (Scleractinia: Merulinidae) Alvarado-Chacon, Elvira-M.; García-Urueña, Rocío; Sierra-Escrigas, Silvia-L.; Garzón-Machado, Marco-A.; Zárate-Arévalo, Juan-C.; Sierra-Sabalza, Nireth; Cely, Cesar; Rincón-Díaz, Natalia
| | | | · Demographic and population response of the threatened coral Acropora cervicornis (Scleractinia, Acroporidae) to fireworm corallivory Santiago-Padua, Paola; Velázquez-Alvarado, Jeremy; López-Pérez, Arelys-Del-Mar; Nevárez-Mélendez, Julimar; Díaz-Druet, Lemuel-E.; Suleimán-Ramos, Samuel-E.; Mercado-Molina, Alex-E.
| | | | · Settlement and post-settlement survival of Orbicella annularis and Orbicella faveolata (Scleractinia: Merulinidae) on substrates with coatings Arango-Carvajal, Laura-C.; Quan-Young, Lizette-I.; Villegas-Jiménez, Adrián; Banaszak, Anastazia-T.
| | | | · Active restoration efforts in the Central Mexican Pacific as a strategy for coral reef recovery Martínez-Castillo, Violeta; Rodríguez-Troncoso, Alma-Paola; Tortolero-Langarica, José-de-Jesús Adolfo; Cupul-Magaña, Amílcar-Leví
| | | | · Ex situ culture of coral species Porites lobata (Scleractinia: Poritidae) and Pocillopora damicornis (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae), Costa Rica: first assessment and implications Marín-Moraga, José-A.; Chacón-Guzmán, Jonathan; Méndez-Venegas, Mauricio; Hernández-Mora, Ronny-A.; Cortés, Jorge
| | | | · Applying the SES Framework to coral reef restoration projects on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica Palou-Zúniga, Nohelia; Madrigal-Ballestero, Róger; Schlüter, Achim; Alvarado, Juan-José
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