| Sumário Acta méd. costarric vol.64 no.4 San José Out./Dez. 2022 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Consideraciones críticas alrededor del proyecto de ley para legalizar el consumo recreativo de marihuana en Costa Rica
| | | Revisión | | | | · Review of breast cancer risk and protection factors Astorga-Ramírez, Andrea; Sánchez-Portuguez, Jennifer; Solís-Barquero, Sergio M.
| | | Original | | | | · Clinical and epidemiologic characterization of Costa Rican pediatric population with alpha-thalassemia Calderón-Brenes, Melissa; Cubillo-López, Ivonne María; Cartín-Sánchez, Walter; Valverde-Muñoz, Kathia
| | | | · Sulfated dehydroepiandrosterone profile in Costa Rican older adults Méndez-Chacón, Ericka; Marin-Baratta, Carmen
| | | | · Mortality and associated factors in Cuban HIV-infected patients Sariol-Resik, Pablo Carlos; Prieto-Domínguez, Tatiana; Blanco-Aspiazu, Miguel Ángel; Resik-Aguirre, Sonia; Baldoquin-Rodríguez, Waldemar
| | | | · Radiotherapy in pediatric patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia: a 9-year experience Sanabria-Calvo, María Montserrat; Esquivel-González, Jéssica; Soto-Herrera, Gabriela; Acuña-Navas, María José; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Carlos
| | | Opinión | | | | · Biobanks in anatomic pathology services in Costa Rica: a bioethical and biolaw analysis Vega-Jiménez, Brayan
| | | Casos clínicos | | | | · Giant gastric trichobezoar: a clinical-pathological case report Vilela-Desposorio, Carlos; Cabanillas-Tarazona, Elena
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