| Table of contents Acta méd. costarric vol.60 n.4 San José Oct./Dec. 2018 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Superando barreras De Céspedes Montealegre, Carlos
| | | Original | | | | · Epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with sepsis and septic shock in a hospital in Cali, Colombia Chávez-Vivas, Mónica; Del Cristo-Martínez, Alfonsina; Tascón, Antonio José
| | | | · Comparative study of mortality causes between subjects with bipolar disorder and a control sample between 1995 and 2005 Ramírez-Pacheco, Margarita; Ouabbou, Sophie; Francis-Cartín, María Fernanda; Fournier-García, Eduardo
| | | | · Identification of β-thalassemia in hypochromic microcytic anemias refractory to iron treatment in Nicaragua Pernudy-Ubau, Allan X.; Campos-Gómez, Valeska A.; Rojas-Vanegas, Lucía L.; Ramírez, Milena L.; Mejía-Baltodano, Gerardo; Rodríguez-Romero, Walter
| | | | · Experience on children’s splenectomy: a ten year single center retrospective study Araya Solís, Carolina; Gamboa Chaves, Ana Yéssika; Quirós Mata, Mónica
| | | | · Survival of children born with congenital heart defects in Costa Rica: a retrospective study of the birth cohort 2006-2007 Benavides Lara, Adriana; Vargas-Leitón, Bernardo; Faerron-Angel, Jorge E
| | | Cartas al editor | | | | · Faltas a la ética en la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social Gutiérrez Sotelo, Oswaldo
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