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Revista de Biología Tropical
On-line version ISSN 0034-7744Print version ISSN 0034-7744
Rev. biol. trop vol.58 suppl.3 San José Oct. 2010
Marine spatial planning (MSP): A first step to ecosystem-based management (EBM) in the Wider Caribbean
John C. Ogden
Florida Institute of Oceanography, University of South Florida, 830 First Street South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 USA;
Palabras clave: Mar Caribe, áreas marinas protegidas, planificación espacial marina, manejo de ecosistemas, arrecifes coralinos.
Arguably the earliest and the best science documenting the decline of reefs and associated ecosystems and seeking its causes have been done in the Caribbean region. This is perhaps not surprising as the 35 nations and territories of the wider Caribbean region have long supported field stations and coastal laboratories for national academic programs or fisheries management. These facilities were usually established in relatively undisturbed locations with excellent field access and provided a baseline against which future changes were measured. The Association of Island Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (later AMLC) was established in 1958 to facilitate communication and exchange of data, technology and people (Goodbody 1993). Researchers at these laboratories, aided by colleagues from around the world, began to document and monitor the status and trends of coastal ecosystems (Bone et al. 2001, CARICOMP 2001, Linton & Fisher 2004).
Others investigated the causes of the decline and achieved the earliest understanding of, for example, the coral-algal balance on reefs (Hughes 1994), the importance of herbivores (Hughes et al. 1999, Kuffner et al. 2006, Ogden & Lobel 1978), the impact of fishing (Jackson et al. 2001), top-down predator control (Mumby et al. 2007), the role of nutrients (Szmant 2002), coral diseases (Harvell et al. 2004), field and physiological studies of coral bleaching (Brown 1997) and most recently ocean acidification (Albright et al. 2008). Caribbean scientists have examined the connection with land (Rogers 1990), the inter-connectivity with other coastal ecosystems including seagrass beds and mangroves (Nagelkerken 2009, Ogden 1997) and connectivity by pelagic larvae (Cowen 2000). These studies and many others have been done in the context of a thorough understanding of the geological history of the Caribbean reefs (Adey 1977), the growth of reefs through the Pleistocene and Holocene (Hubbard et al. 2005) and the origin and evolution of Caribbean corals (Knowlton & Budd 2001).
The firm conclusion is that the decline of coastal ecosystems in the Caribbean has been a result of multiple stresses the most important of which are anthropogenic in origin and include poor land-use practices, runoff and pollution, over-fishing and climate change.
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs): Supported by long-term observations, monitoring and assessment and the long experience of local people in particular coastal areas, the pioneers of marine conservation, notably Tom van´t Hof originally of Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity (CARMABI) in Curacao, implemented early MPAs and communicated widely their design and political considerations. Starting from small beginnings, MPAs expanded across the region as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park became the icon of tropical marine management (Kelleher et al. 1995). A relatively recent compendium of MPAs for the Lesser Antilles and Central Caribbean, including Belize and the Turks and Caicos lists 75 functional MPAs (Geoghegan et al. 2001). However, many of these are still so-called "paper parks" which are no more than boundary lines on a chart and have little protection or management.
Marine spatial planning
There are other striking examples of connectivity in the Wider Caribbean LME. In 1983, the long-spined, black sea urchin Diadema antillarum began to die near the Caribbean end of the Panama Canal. Relentlessly over only one year, almost all the Diadema in the Caribbean, Florida, the Bahamas and Bermuda died. This mass mortality, attributed to a species-specific pathogen, was unprecedented in its geographic extent and the severity of its impact (Lessios et al. 1984). As predicted by earlier research, the net result was that the removal of this key grazer caused a bloom of fleshy benthic algae on Caribbean coral reefs which over-grew and killed corals (Hughes et al. 1999, Miller et al. 2003).
Spreading more slowly but with similar devastation was White Band Disease (WBD) of the acroporid corals first described in 1974 by Gladfelter (1982) as moving in a front along a luxuriant Acropora palmata reef in St. Croix. WBD was subsequently implicated in the virtual extirpation of Acropora palmata and A. cervicornis in the Caribbean over the next decade. In 2004 the Caribbean acroporids were declared endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). As required under ESA, the Recovery Plan for these species is nearing completion (National Marine Fisheries Service, in press).
Another example of the ecological coherence of the Caribbean LME is the annual incursion of the plume of discharge of the Orinoco River from Venezuela across the Caribbean Sea (Muller-Karger et al. 1989). Major discharges of the Orinoco cause obvious changes in the color and smell of the sea as far as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and perhaps farther and have been implicated in occasional fish kills presumably due to blooms of toxic algal species. In a similar way, short-term discharges of major rivers after storms exert a dramatic impact over large regions. This was seen along the coasts of Honduras, Guatemala and Belize following Hurricane Mitch in 1998 (Sheng et al. 2007).
These examples provide a strong rationale for planning and management of larger areas of the ocean including adjacent land masses than the current patchwork of MPAs.
MSP begins with assessment and assembly of existing spatial biophysical data and information in GIS formats including, for example, key resources, benthic habitats, biological diversity, oceanography, bathymetry and sediments. Human uses are also mapped including shipping lanes, pipelines and cables, minerals leases, protected areas, fishing zones and aquaculture sites to name a few. The sources of this information include publications, databases and local and traditional knowledge. The public meetings and outreach required to collect the latter play an important part in building a political constituency for this inclusive process. The GIS overlays show areas where information is abundant and areas where there are significant information gaps. Continually updated maps from spatially organized databases allow assessments of changes and provide parameters for models to help predict the future under different scenarios of management and environmental change. The importance of maps in engaging the stakeholders, illuminating complex use problems and suggesting solutions cannot be over-emphasized (Carollo et al. 2009).
MSP is an idea whose time has come. It originated during the planning effort that established the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in 1972 and continues today with the 2004 revised zoning plan (Day et al. 2005). It has been used in Europe, notably in the extensively exploited North Sea, and in various locations in Asia to balance economic and environmental objectives. Recently, a step-by step guide to MSP has been published which presents clearly and with many examples its importance and how to do it (Ehler & Douvere 2009). This exemplary work shows that while the tools and approaches of MSP can be outlined, each location is unique in terms of engagement of the stakeholders and the local and national political apparatus.
Where has MSP been used in the Caribbean?: There are several regional ocean governance projects in the Caribbean which serve as examples. The Meso-American Barrier Reef System (MBRS) project used a spatial planning approach to define biophysical characteristics, human uses and potential conservation management measures within a four-country region of the western Caribbean (Kramer & Kramer 2002). The planning process was inclusive and thorough, but the political complexity of the region and sovereignty issues has hampered implementation of internationally coordinated ecosystem-based management and governance.
The Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands shelf (including the British Virgin Islands) encompasses one of the most heavily visited touristic regions and forms an attractive region for a pilot project in MSP. The economic value of the marine ecosystems of this ecoregion is huge and this facilitates buy-in by government and the public. Both Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have strong, active research teams who could be engaged with sufficient funding.
The goal of MSP
"We must use the ocean, but we can´t afford to use it up": This phrase coined by author and conservationist Carl Safina captures the ultimate goal of MSP as a first step in EBM in response to the relentless decline of ocean resources and the looming crisis of governance. Similar to land-use planning, MSP concentrates on places of importance to human societies and provides a mapping and analysis framework for visualizing the finite nature of resources and the need for governance, principally through zoning, of human enterprises on the ocean (Crowder et al. 2006). Young et al. (2007) outline four principles to help implementgovernance (EBM): (1) Create governance arrangements that minimize mismatches between biophysical systems and socioeconomic activities; (2) Develop procedures that recognize multiple-uses of ocean areas and can mediate conflicts; (3) Insure that all interested parties have a voice in decision-making in MSP and governance from the beginning and (4) Design governance to monitor results of management policies and to change them as necessary as understanding of the dynamics of he place advances.
MSP and EBM will bring planning and order to human activities and other concerns such as conservation, to the ocean. In most countries the ocean is a commons, governed by sector, if at all, by local and national agencies with overlapping and conflicting legal mandates (Crowder et al.2006). Recently, many nations are beginning to seek a way to govern that will accommodate an ecosystem approach. In the U.S., the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force (2009) was charged by Executive Order to develop a framework for marine spatial planning which may lead to significant ocean policy developments in the next few years. In the U.S., there is also developing interest in the public trust doctrine, currently applied only in state waters (shoreline to 3 nm), which mandates that ocean resources be managed in the best interests of the citizens. Extension of the public trust doctrine to the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ, 3nm to 200nm) will gather ocean assets under the same administration and help to answer a compelling question: "For whom should our country´s oceans be managed and for what purpose?" (Turnipseed et al.2009).
An opportunity for the AMLC
An opportunity is for the member laboratories of the AMLC to engage more directly with their national governments to advocate for regional ocean governance. Every year we scientists gather at scientific meetings and talk to each other about the dismal and declining state of Caribbean ecosystems. Similarly, but with a very different tone, ministers of tourism of numerous Caribbean nations gather in a nice hotel on a beach and tell each other how exciting new tourism developments are having a positive impact on their respective economies. With some help from inside the Caribbean tourism establishment, the AMLC could field a team of experts to attend a regional tourism meeting and tell the real story of the Caribbean of the last 50 years and what the science says about what must be done to halt and possibly reverse the decline. This would align AMLC with an economically influential group with access to the highest levels of national governments. Pangea World has taken this approach in the tropical Pacific, using tourism and its impact on the economy to foster government Panama and Fiji (AAAS 2006).
I thank my colleagues and friends in the AMLC, particularly the participants in the Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity (CARICOMP) program, who have worked for over 25 years on a collaborative network of Caribbean laboratories for coordinated monitoring and assessment of coastal ecosystems. They have supported the continuation of the network to provide scientific input to MSP, EBM and ocean governance as an appropriate successor to CARICOMP. Paul Sammarco, the new Executive Director of the AMLC, provided helpful future-oriented comments. The working group on Ocean Ecosystem Management of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) at the University of California, Santa Barbara discussed many of the ideas herein. Portions of this work have been supported by the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force through the Department of the Interior and by the Henry Foundation.
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Correspondencia: John C. Ogden. Florida Institute of Oceanography, University of South Florida, 830 First Street South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 USA;
Received 12-X-2009. Corrected 04-I-2010. Accepted 12-VII -2010.