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vol.22 número45Análisis de las condiciones para el fomento del turismo sostenible: cantón de Esparza, Costa RicaPedagogical Mediation in the English Phonemic Awareness Class in First through Third Grades of Costa Rican Public Education índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Espiga

versión On-line ISSN 2215-454Xversión impresa ISSN 1409-4002


PAEZ-VARGAS, Beatriz Eugenia  y  CALDERON-ZAMORA, Priscila. Validation of the DN CAS test: linguistic and cultural adaptation for Costa Rica. Espiga [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.45, pp.317-342. ISSN 2215-454X.

This article describes the results of the research «Validation of the DN CAS test, its linguistic and cultural adaptation for Costa Rica», conducted by the Professional Master's Degree in Psycho-pedagogy at State Distance University (UNED). The main objective was to approach the linguistic and cultural validation of the test by applying it to the population of 5 to 17 years and 11 months of age in the country, identifying words that were not understandable by that population and observing student behavior when solving the test. The research is quantitative in nature and takes a descriptive approach, detailing the results of the application of the DN CAS test. The PASSS theory was used as the basis for the development of the research, and it was identified that the test fulfills the purpose of evaluating both the cognitive and emotional processes of students and can be a useful tool in detecting learning difficulties according to the PASS theory cited in this document. Therefore, it is concluded that, if the linguistic adaptations identified in this research are made, the DN CAS test can be applied to the Costa Rican population within the suggested age ranges.

Palabras clave : Evaluation; cognitive process; PASS Theory; Psycho-pedagogy; learning difficulties; learning process.

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