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vol.22 número45Una aproximación al tema de emprendimiento de mujeres jóvenes en MéxicoEvaluación de la pertinencia social y educativa de las carreras de bibliotecología de la UNED, periodo 2010-2021 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Espiga

versión On-line ISSN 2215-454Xversión impresa ISSN 1409-4002


SANCHEZ-VEGA, Alexis. Maximum containment, security and humanity: An approach to the use of prison isolation as a rehabilitative measure. Espiga [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.45, pp.96-140. ISSN 2215-454X.

With the aim of studying the recurrent use of prison as a means of preventing crime or any other human behavior in society, a review of this and its methods or techniques of recruitment and confinement of people regarding prevention or rehabilitation of the criminal is carried out. A documentary review of experiences developed at the regional level is used, which allows to understand the intention pursued and the prison internment, as well as the existing evaluations. Statistical documentation and public policies on the use of jail as a special crime prevention instance are also reviewed. It is a descriptive and rationalizing investigation of the use of the sanction of deprivation of liberty and the accommodation of people in places of total confinement. As a main finding, very few countries in Latin America and the Caribbean contemplate in their work plans the population that is in isolation sites, in attention to their socialization and criminality problems. In Costa Rica, for some years attention has been paid to these people who, due to multiple circumstances, end up being inhabitants of the so-called “maximum security'' prison spaces. In conclusion, professional attention and the implementation of an intervention plan are necessary in the face of isolation or total segregation. This care alternative would facilitate, in the near future, the integration into the shared prison environment and into society as the final destination of these people.

Palabras clave : confinement; maximum containment; prison; prevention and treatment.

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