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Revista Espiga

versión On-line ISSN 2215-454Xversión impresa ISSN 1409-4002


PAZ-CALDERON, Yannet. An approach to the issue of entrepreneurship of young women in Mexico. Espiga [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.45, pp.78-95. ISSN 2215-454X.

The objective of this research is to emphasize the importance of carrying out research related to the entrepreneurship of young women, since up to now this type of study is scarce and those that exist refer to young university women entrepreneurs. Through a bibliographic, descriptive and exploratory research, the theoretical background on female entrepreneurship is shown. Afterwards, a review of the works related to the entrepreneurship of young university students is carried out, finally, two experiences of entrepreneurship of young women are presented with the purpose of exemplifying the various edges that this topic has. The guiding thread, both in the documentary review and in the analysis of the experiences, was to identify the motivations and obstacles that they have to undertake. Among the main results, the relevance of inquiring into the topic of youth female entrepreneurship stands out, due to the fact that, being a line little investigated, it is not possible to clearly see the particularities that motivate and hinder the entrepreneurial intention of women at this stage of life. It is concluded that the promotion of entrepreneurship must be done with a gender approach and from the youth.

Palabras clave : female entrepreneurship; university entrepreneurs; young entrepreneurs..

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