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Revista Espiga

versión On-line ISSN 2215-454Xversión impresa ISSN 1409-4002


MONICA DE JESUS, Chacón-Prado. Technology Integration in the Classroom: A literature review. Espiga [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.45, pp.20-38. ISSN 2215-454X.

The following article discusses one of the most current topics: technology in education, emphasizing in a very crucial aspect as it is technology integration. Consequently, the text first provides a general overview of the term with different perspective on the matter since it summarizes the latest research trends towards the topic of technology integration (TI). Furthermore, the article promotes an analysis of its pros and cons helping the reader to take a stand on TI and education. Finally, the relevance to the Costa Rican context of such intricate topic is discussed in order to shed some light to it.

Palabras clave : Education; distance learning; technological barriers..

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