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vol.22 número45La integración de la tecnología en el aula: una revisión de literatura índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Espiga

versión On-line ISSN 2215-454Xversión impresa ISSN 1409-4002


RENDON-ALARCON, Jorge. Hegel, una filosofía de la libertad. Espiga [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.45, pp.1-19. ISSN 2215-454X.

This essay seeks to show that the problem of the self-determination of reason and its fulfillment in society and history constitute the core issue of Hegel's speculative philosophy; as a philosophical-political problem, it refers to the awareness of freedom and its fulfillment in a legal-political order, resulting from the legitimate exercise of free will. It is, therefore, the philosophical knowledge of practical reason regarding the institution of a new order according to the validity of free will. This, as a horizon of possibility of a critical society located in the political tradition of the Enlightenment, which not only has not lost validity, but time and again becomes the indispensable reference for the constitution of an authentic community capable of hosting the development and fulfillment of human beings as a result of his own free and rational endeavor, as opposed to the arbitrariness and coercion of an exercise of power subordinated to one or more particular wills and, as such, arbitrary.

Palabras clave : Self-awareness; self-government; spirit; will.

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