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Infraestructura Vial

versão On-line ISSN 2215-3705versão impressa ISSN 2215-3705


DE LA CRUZ VEGA, Sleyther Arturo; IBANEZ CCOAPAZA, Cesar Eberth  e  COAQUIRA CUEVA, Denis Yonatan. Determination of serviceability index and resistant capacity. Case study: pavements in Azángaro, Puno, Peru. Infraestructura Vial [online]. 2022, vol.24, n.43, pp.94-102. ISSN 2215-3705.

The following investigation aims to determine the serviceability and resistant capacity in a flexible pavement in Azángaro-Salinas km 0+000 to km 3+000, in Puno, Peru.

From the results it was possible to determine that for the indicated section there is a PSI (Pavement Serviceability Index) of 3,41 according to the Merlin method, meaning that it has a good serviceability classification. Likewise, through the laboratory results, the resistant capacity is established for the subgrade, subbase, and base. After the most critical CBR was found for each of the layers of the pavement structure, and with the thicknesses found in the field, it is possible to carry out a structural design obtaining as a result that the design requirements were met. As conclusion, it was found a good serviceability of each section, since the determined IRI showed an average of 2,15. Likewise, the PSI total average of 3,41 corresponds to a good serviceability of the entire section studied.

Palavras-chave : evaluation; serviceability; resistant capacity; flexible pavement.

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