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Infraestructura Vial
On-line version ISSN 2215-3705Print version ISSN 2215-3705
KIKUT CRUZ, Karina; BALDI, Alejandra and ELIZONDO SALAS, Ana Luisa. Benefits of adding hydrated lime to asphalt mixtures: A review. Infraestructura Vial [online]. 2020, vol.22, n.39, pp.12-19. ISSN 2215-3705.
Hydrated lime is used as an additive for asphalt mixtures, since it enhances the properties of the material in a unique way, enabling a longer service life. In this study, several scientific articles were analyzed in order to understand some of the methods employed of adding hydrated lime to the asphalt mixtures, as well as the optimum amount of hydrated lime that will significantly improve the material’s response towards diverse factors. It was found that the researchers usually add hydrated lime in percentages ranging between 1%-2% in weight of aggregates. Also, in the case of asphalt modified with hydrated lime, the material is stiffer and more resistant to moisture damage. Finally, after this literature review it is concluded that adding 1,5% of hydrated lime the most promising properties were obtained in most of the studies considered.
Keywords : asphalt; hydrated lime; moisture damage; asphalt matrix.