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Actualidades en Psicología

versão On-line ISSN 2215-3535


NEVES COUTO, Ricardo et al. Coping Strategies Adopted by Health Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Act.Psi [online]. 2022, vol.36, n.133, pp.1-12. ISSN 2215-3535.

Objective. The objective was to know the coping strategies adopted by health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method. This was an exploratory research. The participants were 155 health professionals (female 68.2, male 31.8) from northeastern Brazil, mostly from Piauí (39.1%) and Ceará (22.5%), and a mean age of 33.26 years (SD = 7.94). Results. Through a Descending Hierarchical Classification (CHD), the main corpus was divided into two branches: Class 1: Socio-emotional support and spirituality, and Class 2: Entertainment activities, showing that professionals used coping strategies with a focus on the problem and emotion. They pointed out the importance of social contact, spirituality, and entertainment for emotional well-being.

Palavras-chave : Health professionals; COVID-19; coping strategies; pandemic.

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