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Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú

versión On-line ISSN 2215-2504


LOPEZ, Liza Leonor; CANETE, María Cristina  y  PEREZ, Víctor Ramón. Crown morphometry of Neltuma alba (Griseb.) in young plantations from Formosa, Argentina. Kurú [online]. 2024, vol.21, n.48, pp.39-47. ISSN 2215-2504.

The present investigation was carried out with the objective of evaluating the crown morphometric parameters of the Neltuma alba in young plantations located in different site properties, in order to describe their behavior and analyze their relationships. For this purpose, permanent sampling plots of plantations located in three site properties of the province of Formosa were surveyed, measuring the normal diameter, crown radius, total height, crown insertion height and crown length of all the trees that were found within the plots. Through these variables, the following were calculated: crown diameter, crown volume, degree of slenderness, amplitude index, protrusion index, crown percentage and crown shape. The mean values of the parameters and morphometric indices by sites class showed important differences. Statistically, the effect of the site could be evidenced on the crown percentage and crown volume. When using simple regression models, it was determined that the relationship between normal diameter and crown diameter can be properly described by linear functions. The information generated on the crown morphometry can contribute to improve the management decisions of the plantations of this species.

Palabras clave : Morphometric indices; crown parameters; site quality; Argentina.

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