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Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú

versión On-line ISSN 2215-2504


VALLEJOS, Jonathan  y  GAMBOA, Olman Murillo. Allometric models to estimate diameter and total height growth of Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemão cultivated in Costa Rica. Kurú [online]. 2024, vol.21, n.48, pp.18-26. ISSN 2215-2504.

Pilón (Hyeronima alchorneoides) is one of the native tree species with the greatest potential for cultivation in Costa Rica. At a national level, there is research on its silvicultural management, tree improvement, wood quality and others. However, there is a lack of an updated and complete technological guide for this species. Therefore, there is a need to compile and systematize the generated knowledge in recent years about this species, with the purpose of improving technical assistance to the producer or investors. One of the main issues and needs are the availability of reliable growth models for diameter and total height for this species. A database with more than 255 plots was used for the diameter growth and more than 150 plots recording the total height. The growth function fitted for the diameter was dap=1,4145+2,1381*Edad-0,0364*(Edad)^2. Meanwhile, for total height the fitted model was Ht=e^((3,9090-3,5510*√(1/Edad)), both models have a bias estimation of 20% for diameter and 18% for total height.

Palabras clave : plantations; pilón; native species; growth model; biometry.

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