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Revista Rupturas
versión On-line ISSN 2215-2989versión impresa ISSN 2215-2466
PANEZ PINTO, Alexander. Water-Territory in Latin America: Contributions from the Analysis of Water Conflicts Studies in Chile. Rev. Rup. [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.1, pp.193-217. ISSN 2215-2989.
This article reflects about the contributions that a territorial interpretation gives to the analysis of water conflicts in Latin America. Taking as a case study the academic literature in Chile, it presents a review of the researches about water conflicts, identifying different perspectives of understanding the spatial dimension of this problem. Analyzing references from political ecology and critical geography, we propose a theoretical construction on water articulated with territory as a theoretical-political category. This analysis on water-territory is composed by four principles: a) to understand the nature-culture relation in the processes of water appropriation, b) the power relationships "in" and "trough" the territory, c) the logics of spatial organization and d) to recognize the other territorialities present in the conflicts.
Palabras clave : water; territory; Latin America; territorial conflicts; Chile.