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vol.10 issue2New model for Physics tutorials and its effect on student performance at a distance university in Costa RicaUse of industrial waste in prenursery stage of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, Arecaceae) production: growth and nutrient uptake author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Cuadernos de Investigación UNED

Print version ISSN 1659-4266


JIMENEZ, Carmen Andrés  and  ALFARO AZOFEIFA, Jacqueline. Competency level of teachers in the Agroindustry chair in a distance university. Cuadernos de Investigación UNED [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.2, pp.247-256. ISSN 1659-4266.

In distance education, tutors need skills such as accessibility and motivation; virtual socialization; information exchange, and knowledge construction and development. We determined which of these skills were being applied in two courses of a Costa Rican distance university. We used a validated survey applied to all the teachers of the Agroindustry chair (three) and validated checklist applied to two courses. We only found satisfactory results in one course. Tutors have a tendency towards planning; stimulating collaborative work among students; criteria unification and use of pedagogical strategies. On the other hand, we realized how some tutors do not identify the way students learn; knowledge networks are not created as well as mutual knowledge outside the classroom. Finally, some tutors do not have formal training in virtual classrooms, although this did not have a negative impact in their performance as instructors. We recommend the implementation of formal training, collaborative workspaces and deeper acquaintance with the students.

Keywords : distance tutor; online tutor; distance education; educational competences.

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