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E-Ciencias de la Información

On-line version ISSN 1659-4142


PRADO ORTEGA, Mauricio Xavier. Axiological approach in Higher Education through the interaction of students in the Virtual Learning Environment. E-Ciencias de la Información [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.1, pp.25-52. ISSN 1659-4142.

This article is circumscribed within the framework of higher education, analyzing the virtual learning environment in the Moodle platform of the Technical University of Machala as the first university center in the Province of El Oro, which is immersed within this systemic process which is technological and social advancement. The methodology used is part of a mixed approach (quantitative-qualitative) for which an online questionnaire was applied as a data collection technique to a population of two hundred students from thirteen careers of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the academic period 2019-2. The study shows that students conveniently use the resources and activities of the Virtual Learning Environment based on the Moodle platform as part of their academic training. However, many students do not interact correctly respecting the rules of virtuality since there is still an absence of controls that do not provide user authenticity through the support of cameras, late submission of assignments and assessments that are often prone to disclosure of the questionnaires through social networks and mobile devices. Although there are a series of parameters and rubrics for the qualifications, a loss of personal values ​​is denoted. The topic of axiology in education turns out to be interesting, teachers are interested in identifying the aspects to improve before the behavior of students in the face of virtual learning, since the task of the Technical University of Machala is to train in values ​​in the future professionals in the Developer Integrative Educational Model adopted since 2016.

Keywords : Educational technology; axiology; virtual learning environments; values and principles..

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )