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Tec Empresarial

versión On-line ISSN 1659-3359versión impresa ISSN 1659-2395


CAICEDO-LEITON, Ana Lucia; VILLANUEVA, Nuria  y  GARCES-GALDEANO, Lucía. Nurturing seeds of innovation: the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and socio-emotional wealth and its implications for family business innovation. Tec Empre. [online]. 2024, vol.18, n.3, pp.12-34. ISSN 1659-3359.

This research examines the relationship between the transmission of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and socio-emotional wealth (SEW), and their implications for family firms' innovation. To achieve this, a single case study was conducted on a Spanish family business through interviews and document review. Data were analyzed using thematic and critical incident analysis. The findings of the case study underscore that the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and socio-emotional wealth is intricate and has significant implications for innovation. The dynamic relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and socio-emotional wealth is characterized by a mutually reinforcing symbiosis, which contributes to ensure the long-term survival of the analyzed family business.

Palabras clave : innovation; entrepreneurial orientation; socio-emotional wealth; family firm.

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